How the RDS can support your application Rachel Evley East Midlands Research Design Service
Research Design Service The Research Design Service was set up by the Department of Health in 2008 We support researchers applying for NATIONAL peer-reviewed funding schemes for health research National Institute for Health Research funding Other Department of Health funding Research Councils i.e. Medical Research Council National Charities i.e. Wellcome Trust, CRUK RDS EM is part of a network of regional support services funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) We provide free design and methodological support to health and social care researchers who are developing applications to NIHR and other applied health national, peer-reviewed funding programmes We support researchers at all stages of preparing grant & fellowship applications We are supposed to prioritise applications to NIHR and DH In reality, we’ll support anyone bidding to any national peer-reviewed funding scheme for health-related research Research Councils - 7 research councils in UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Medical Research Council (MRC) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) Association of Medical Research Charities – 140 members
RDS EM - Who We Are Staff team includes… Medical Statisticians Service led by University of Nottingham and the University of Leicester, with staff funded at De Montfort University, University of Lincoln, Northampton University and Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Staff team includes… Medical Statisticians Health Economics Epidemiologists. Funding & Organisation specialists Qualitative Methodologists Social Scientists PPI Experts
RDS EM - Who We Are Academic staff with own research activity: Co-applicants and active researchers in successful bids Authors of papers published in peer-reviewed journals Peer-reviewers for journals Relevant funding panel experience: Peer-reviewers for NIHR funding streams Members of panels or sub-panels Members of local ethics committees A number of us have been through the process ourselves….. Co-applicants and active researchers in successful bids – both NIHR & Charity grants (e.g. HS&DR, RfPB, HTA, PGfAR, ESRC, i4i, CLAHRC) CLARHC – Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care Peer reviewers for NIHR & Charity grants (e.g. RfPB, HTA, EME, PGfAR, NIAA) Members of panels & sub-panels (e.g. PGfAR, RfPB, NIHR/CNO Clinical Academic Training Pathway) NIHR/CNO - NIHR and the Chief Nursing Officer for England, in collaboration with Economic & Social Research Council and Higher Education Funding Council for England established the Clinical Academic Training (CAT) Pathway for nurses, midwives and allied heath professions in 2009
How Can We Help? Refine your idea and turn it into a fundable project… Identify appropriate funding opportunities for your ideas… Help to connect you with relevant partners [academic and clinical]… Help you to negotiate the application forms… Help you to negotiate application processes … Provide specialist/methodological input into your proposal… Review your final draft… Interpret feedback from previous failed applications… Help identify most suitable funding stream Support teams in working more collaboratively Advise on patient and public involvement Help get the narrative right Advise on training and development plans Interview preparation/mock interviews Help interpret feedback, support resubmissions
Applications Submitted Adding Value….. Applications Submitted Stage 1 Success Stage 2 Success 2018 29 16 7 so far 2017 18 9 4 2016 19 8 5 NIHR evaluation of funding competitions demonstrates that: Applicants supported by an RDS were more likely to pass outline stages of competitions Overall success rate was higher in those who had consulted an RDS. 2017 DRF 173 eligible applications received 76 interviewed 34 funded PDF/CDF/SRF/TRF 154 eligible applications received Shortlisted - 34 PDF; 20 CDF; 4 SRF; 2 TRF Peer review – 26 PDF; 17 CDF; 3 SRF; 1 TRF Awarded – 10 PDF; 6 CDF; 1 TRF Conditional basis – 2 PDF; 2 CDF
Feedback…. “Throughout the application process the RDS provided valuable guidance.” “The RDS gave excellent support and advice in the drafting of and finalisation of this application.” “My application was considerably improved after meeting with the RDS East Midlands team. They provided valuable expertise and advice on my research design, as well as helping ensure my proposal was accessible to the intended audience.”
Summary Write for the expert generalist Take all sections of the application seriously Do not make unsupported statements Ask the RDS/colleagues to review your application Take appropriate time!