EPM New Reports: Accessing Version 1.0 31 May 2017
1. From the EPM homepage, select the “New” Application:
2. A new page will open, with the below screen 2. A new page will open, with the below screen. Click the “Launch New BEIS EPM” button, to access the Main Menu
3. From the Main Menu, click the button “Reports”
4. From the reports menu page, you can view/run a report or extract from the available list, by clicking on the buttons Where it states “Extract data” on the buttons, this will run a base level extract of the corresponding report so the user can access a .csv extract of the base level data for further analysis. (The “extract choice” column gives a drop down selection of WD’s 3, 5 and 8). A report description is given under “Report Information”.
5. Each report will open in a new tab across the top, so you may navigate to other tabs to see different reports. By clicking the “x”, this will close the opened report and you will be back at the Reports menu.