Panel: Fiscal Transparency Portals and Citizen Participation Julio 2015
Fiscal Transparency & Citizen Participation Fiscal transparency portals = Enablers ¿Participation? ¿What does this mean?
Citizen Participation: Type of audience and government activities to engagement Citizen Participation: General Public Observing Public Directly Affected Public Stakeholders Government Activities: Inform Consult Involve Collaborate
Mexico’s Transparency Portal Type of engagement Type of information Activity Type of Public Access to Information: Publication Format Sub-national public investment information Citizen participation exercise (Involve) Observing Citizen’s Budget Citizen budget consultation (Consult and involve) General Budget Cycle : Monitoring Performance Evaluation Indicators Consultation Budget Cycle: Accountability Sub-national public investment information and infrastructure Rally (Inform) ¿Why not ALL public at ALL times?
The Education Infrastructure Portal But yes, everyone in the budget cycle: Ministries of Finance are not the only actor!
Access to Information: Publication Format Citizen participation exercise: Subnational governments spending 13 civil society participants Live and remotely Results: Signed commitments for better visualization and furthering openness of data Citizen’s budget consultation: 1,145 participants Online and #OnTheStreet Results: Infographics Newsletter Information spending by institution
Budget Cycle : Monitoring and Accountability Indicators Consultation: 1,839 visits 210 responses Online only Highly technical Rally #32EstadosConectados #OpenDataDay 27 public infrastructure citizen verification visits Participation all over the country Results: Broader citizen engagement (two types of public) Verification of the information by the monitoring authorities Results: People’s observations are been taken into account for broadest improvement of performance indicators undertaken in the administration.
Have fun! Remember... Effective Access to Information Right Fiscal Citizen participation Citizen engagement Fiscal Transparency Portals Learn by doing Don’t be afraid! Listen and answer Have fun! ≠