Service Credit Online Certification and Correction Training By Paula C. Rhodes Created by: Martha Rosa Updated: 04/20/2007
created by M. Rosa 6/1/062 PURPOSE: Teach employers how to use the new electronic service credit online certifications/corrections process. Teach employers how to use the new electronic service credit online certifications/corrections process. Identification of new and/or revised definitions. Identification of new and/or revised definitions. Demonstrate the process of updating service credit online. Demonstrate the process of updating service credit online.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/063 Electronic Service Credit Certification/Corrections Electronic Reporting- Historical and Day- Forward service credit data Electronic Reporting- Historical and Day- Forward service credit data - Correcting historical data online - Completing online corrections - Identifying and certifying only questionable years
created by M. Rosa 6/1/064 Definitions Full-time Earnings Full-time Earnings - Compensation that would be payable if the employee worked full-time for the full normal working period. Includes: - Full-time base pay and any additional payments such as: 1) PIP4) Stipends 1) PIP4) Stipends 2) Summer School5) Sales Taxes 2) Summer School5) Sales Taxes 3) Overtime6) Bonuses 3) Overtime6) Bonuses Can be equal or greater than actual Can be equal or greater than actual Do not reduce because a member is docked Do not reduce because a member is docked
created by M. Rosa 6/1/065 Definitions - continued Service Credit = actual salary/full-time earnings Service Credit = actual salary/full-time earnings Questionable Years Questionable Years - Actual salary decreases more than 5% from previous year - 1 st year of employment not previously certified - Change employers during a fiscal year - All partial years of service credit not previously certified
created by M. Rosa 6/1/066 Updating Service Credit Online
created by M. Rosa 6/1/067 Receive a request to certify a members employment history
created by M. Rosa 6/1/068 Questionable Years Letter
created by M. Rosa 6/1/ Check member information to see if correct on the Member Account Summary 2. Identify questionable years on Account History 3. Print a copy of the account history screen
created by M. Rosa 6/1/ Receive request to certify employment history 2.Verify member info 3.Identify questionable years 1.Receive request to certify employment history 2.Verify member info 3.Identify questionable years Salary has been reported incorrectly. An identified questionable year is correct.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0611 Employer is correcting the full time rate, therefore, we select from the main menu: System member belongs to Members social security number Year that is to be corrected
created by M. Rosa 6/1/ Receive request to certify employment history 2. Check and compare the account history and Annual Salary/Contribution History to the reported employer information. NOTE: YEAR 2004/2005 FULL TIME RATE IS INCORRECT ON THE ANNUAL SALARY/CONTRIBUTION HISTORY.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/ From main menu select Full-Time Salary Correction a. Enter the full-time Salary reported by employer. b. Using the drop-down menu (see example) select the reason for the change, in this case, Full-Time not Previously Reported. c. Enter a comment, if necessary. d. Click the Replace Button to complete the update. EXAMPL E EXAMPLE
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0614 Part-Time Eligibility? Are you certifying an employees service who works less than a full day? This employee gets actual and eligibility credit. Are you certifying an employees service who works less than a full day? This employee gets actual and eligibility credit. Enter the Full-Time Salary as if the employee worked the entire year at full pay. Service Credit = part-time salary paid divided by full-time salary Comment: Type in the % effort the employee worked. Example – 4 out of 8 hours = 50% effort
created by M. Rosa 6/1/ Enter correct full time rate. 2.Select reason for correction. 3.Enter comment. 4.Click Replace. 1.Enter correct full time rate. 2.Select reason for correction. 3.Enter comment. 4.Click Replace. NOTE: A message will be displayed along with the changes made when the transaction is completed.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0616 Verification of Update Go to Account History a. Service Credit has been adjusted and marked as a. Service Credit has been adjusted and marked as certified. certified. b. Comment line, gives reason and shows b. Comment line, gives reason and shows member worked part-time and receives member worked part-time and receives extra eligibility credit. extra eligibility credit. c. Click on Sequence number and the c. Click on Sequence number and the correction entered will be displayed. correction entered will be displayed.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/ Receive Questionable Year Letter from TRSL 2.Verify member information 3.Use this to certify that all questionable years are correct. 1.Receive Questionable Year Letter from TRSL 2.Verify member information 3.Use this to certify that all questionable years are correct. Select Questionable Year Certification when certification shows that all reported information (actual salary, full-time rate, and service credit) is correct.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0618 Employer is correcting the first year of employment that is a questionable year. All information that has been reported to TRSL is correct, therefore, we select from the main menu: Members social security number Year that is questionable System member belongs to
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0619 Verify information reported for questionable year matches what has been previously reported to TRSL.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0620 Comment can be added if needed Click Submit button when finished Enter reason by clicking down arrow and highlighting NOTE: A message will be displayed along with the changes made when the transaction is completed.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0621 VERIFICATION OF UPDATE Go to Account History a. Service Credit has been marked as certified. b. Comment line, gives reason that verifies questionable year is certified.
created by M. Rosa 6/1/0622 QUESTIONS?