Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics


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Presentation transcript:

Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Rail data availability overview & Dissemination of rail data Agenda point 04 Tables: Freight, Passengers, Accidents, Undertakings Mathieu Erzar 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 04

Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Data Availability Data availability means received from the reporting countries Snapshot on 31/10/2011 Data available in the production database already imported in the dissemination database (Eurobase) 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

Deadlines for data transmissions Deadline expressed in months after the end of the reference period Annex A table: 5 months Annex B table: 5 months Annex C table: 8 months for tables C1, C2, C5 14 months for tables C3, C4 Annex D table: 8 months Annex E table: 3 months Annex F table: 12 months Annex G table: 18 months Annex H table: 5 months Annex I table: 5 months 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

Freight Data Availability As of 31/10/2011 M MISSING TABLES OPTIONAL NOT APPLICABLE AVAILABLE 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

Passenger Data Availability As of 31/10/2011 M MISSING TABLES NOT APPLICABLE AVAILABLE C3-C4: deadline for data provision not reached yet 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

Accidents Data Availability As of 31/10/2011 AVAILABLE 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

Undertakings Data Availability As of 31/10/2011 M MISSING TABLES AVAILABLE 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

“Statistics explained” articles Recent publications DiF publication “Rail transport of passengers between 2007 and 2009” SiF publications “Goods transport by rail declining by the end of 2008” “The fall in rail freight transport performance slowed down towards the end of 2009” “Railway passenger transport decreased slightly at the beginning of 2009” Railway freight transport statistics (to be produced at the end of 2011) “Statistics explained” articles Next articles available Railway passenger transport statistics (soon available online) Railway accidents statistics (currently under production) 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

Draft “Statistics explained” article 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04

Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 04