5 case study specific facts! Geography GCSE AQA Beat the examiner! Introduce the case study like this..Haiti is a good example of… Include a case study specific fact like ...220,000 people died in 2010 when a 7 earthquake hit port au prince Be a Get a grade 9! Next: introduce your first idea. For example ; The most successful strategy was… A social impact that… USE TMT! This Means That… to connect or extend your ideas Case study specific fact needed! How to get 9 out of 9! Plan your answer. Case study specific fact needed! Secondly… AN Economic impact is.. USE TMT! This Means That.. Refer to the figure ‘as shown in’ Time for the next paragraph Case study specific fact needed! Use the figure.. As shown in.. 5 case study specific facts! Finally another benefit is. Or the elast successful startegy is. An Environmental factor that is equally important is.. Refer to the figure ‘as shown in..’ Case study specific fact needed! Rule of 5! Finish off your answer with OVERALL..Nigeria is a good example of.. Because.. OR economic factors are clearly more important because.. Case study specific fact could be used!