Replace This Text with the Title of the Research Project Author, Author, and Author McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin Introduction Conclusion Provide background and context for your research. If you need to, feel free to utilize bullet points: The first point The second point Explain your findings. Description/explanation of graphics. Description/explanation of graphics. References Include citations for any sources used on this poster, including visuals. Materials and Methods Results Discuss the methods and materials you used to investigate your research. Discuss and analyze research results. ARIAL FONT – Use ONLY if you do not have the ability to install or use the UT Branded Font of BentonSans Acknowledgements Thank those who provided any guidance, support, or funding for your research. Feel free to utilize any company and/or research group logos in this section.
Replace This Text with the Title of the Research Project Author, Author, and Author McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin Introduction Materials and Methods Conclusion Provide background and context for your research. If you need to, feel free to utilize bullet points: The first point The second point Explain your findings. Discuss the methods and materials you used to investigate your research. Results Discuss and analyze research results. References Include citations for any sources used on this poster, including visuals. ARIAL FONT – Use ONLY if you do not have the ability to install or use the UT Branded Font of BentonSans Acknowledgements Thank those who provided any guidance, support, or funding for your research. Feel free to utilize any company and/or research logos in this section. Description/explanation of graphics. Description/explanation of graphics. Description/explanation of graphics.