The Urinary System 13.8
Introduction to the Urinary System The urinary system rids the body of waste and assists in the regulation of water and chemical balance Its functions include: The excretion of urine , a liquid waste produced in the body The maintenance of water balance; water balance occurs when the intake of water equals the output of water Regulation of chemical balance or acid-base balance
Figure 13.23
Structures of the Urinary System Two kidneys are located at the back of the upper abdomen Their primary function is to filter waste products from the blood Each kidney has the following structure: Capsule- sac surrounding the kidney Cortex- outer part of the kidney Medulla- inner part of the inner part of the kidney
Structures of the Urinary System Nephron- chief filtering system mechanism of the kidney Convoluted tubule- a tiny twisted tube Bowman’s capsule- cuplike capsule Glomerulus- a cluster of capillaries in Bowman’s capsule
Structures of the Urinary System Ureters- tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder Urinary bladder- a muscular sac that expands to hold the urine received from the kidneys Urethra- a tube extending from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body. This allows for the excretion of urine
Figure 13.24
Common Disorders of the Urinary System
Common Disorders of the Urinary System
Medical Terminology
Jobs and Professions Urologist Nephrologist Dialysis Technician
Sources Badasch, S. A., & Chesebro, D. S. (2011). Asepsis and Standard Precautions. In Health Science Fundamentals: Exploring Career Pathways (1st ed., Revised , pp. 377-381). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.