Back to School Night Mrs. Salas September 18, 2013 The s Of Second Grade Back to School Night Mrs. Salas September 18, 2013
Attendance Unless your child is ill, please make every attempt to have your child present at school and on time. Our day begins promptly at 8:10am and the dismissal time is 1:57pm. Please call our attendance office to let us know your child will be out.
Behavior Every student is expected to follow the 3 R’s Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect Our School Students that choose to follow the rules will earn Dojo Points or Pride Tickets. Likewise, there will be consequences for students that choose to not follow the rules.
Curriculum • Reading and Language Arts • Mathematics • Science • Social Studies • Physical Education • The Arts
Differentiated Instruction In order to provide the best possible instruction to each child... Not all children will be on the same page, in the same book, at the same time. Please let me know if your child is really struggling or if he/she is not being challenged.
Enrichment Students will have the opportunity to further their learning within our curriculum with enrichment activities. Studies Projects Games
Fill a Bucket We work hard each day to fill each others buckets by… Doing good deeds Giving compliments Helping students when needed
Goals and Grades Students will not receive letter grades in 2nd grade. Every week the children will be assessed in reading, spelling, and mathematics. Please take the time to look over tests that go home and review any skills or areas of weakness with your child.
Homework Every week, students are expected to complete the homework in the folder. It is important that 2nd graders read for a minimum of 20 minutes EACH night. This may include shared reading with an adult or older sibling, reading and decoding good fit books on their own.
Itinerary Our Daily Schedule 8:10am Agenda 8:15am Daily 5 10:10am Recess 10:30am Math Instruction and Workshops (PE Thursdays) 12:00pm Lunch 12:45pm Social Studies/Science/Projects 1:40pm Teacher Read Aloud
Just Right Books I Choose My Book Purpose- Why am I reading it? Interest- Do I like it? Comprehend- Do I understand what I am reading? Know- Do I know most of the words?
Keeping Informed Agenda- Check it each day for reminders and to find out how your student’s day went. Newsletters- Will be emailed to give an idea of the concepts we will cover that week. Word Study (Spelling) words are in the Newsletter each week.
Learning Environment Our classroom will be an active environment where all students are expected to engage in the learning process. Engaging students will often require them to have fun!!!!
Membership We are hoping to have 100% of our class sign-up for PTA. Let me know if you need an additional information packet from PTA.
Notes Please send a note with your child if: You know your child will be missing school for an extended period of time. A change in pick-up or after school care will be occurring. You would like to schedule a conference or have concerns. Your child has been absent and you have not yet notified the office about the absence.
Other Items Birthdays Scholastic Book Orders Class Parties
Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in October. During this conference, we will be discussing your child's strengths and weaknesses, homework, behavior and any additional concerns you may have.
Questions Please feel free to contact me anytime you have questions. You can do this in a variety of ways: Write a note Send an email Call me at school Make an appointment for a conference
Report Cards Report cards will be distributed once each trimester. Please sign the report card envelope and return it to school with your child.
Student of the Month Each month two students will be chosen as Student of the Month. You will be contacted if your child is going to receive an award.
Tests There will be a Spelling Test each Friday. Other tests will be given as a strategy or unit is concluding. Please review tests that are corrected with your child.
United Team Our team includes: Katrina Salas, Chris Rudolph, Shannon Bradshaw, Jeanette Hunting, Stacey Quilles, and Christie Kyriacou We will be working closely together this year to: Plan common lessons and activities Assess students to gather data and arrange instructional groups that are flexible to better meet the needs of our students.
Visitors and Volunteers • If you have time or talents to share with us, please sign-up to Volunteer. Our school policy requires all visitors/volunteers to check in at the school office.
Website Visit our class website at under the “Teacher Pages” tab. Other Websites:
EXtra Supplies Thank you for all the supplies that were donated to the classroom! You have helped to fill our class bucket!
You You are your child’s first and most important teacher. I hope that we can work together this year to make your child’s 2nd grade school year a huge success!
Zzzzz… Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night, so that he/she is well rested and ready for the challenges of second grade. It is recommended that 6 and 7 year olds get 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night. This year will ZOOM by, so let’s make the most of it.
Thank You for Coming