19-4 How Have We Depleted O3 in the Stratosphere and What Can We Do? Concept 19-4A Our widespread use of certain chemicals has reduced ozone levels in the stratosphere, which has allowed more harmful ultraviolet radiation to reach the earth’s surface. Concept 19-4B To reverse ozone depletion, we must stop producing ozone-depleting chemicals and adhere to the international treaties that ban such chemicals.
Our Use of Certain Chemicals Threatens the Ozone Layer A layer of ozone in the __________________ keeps about ______ of the sun’s harmful UV radiation from reaching earth’s surface Measurements show… A seasonal depletion (___________________) above Antarctica during October and November Commonly called the ___________________ Ozone depleted air also flows over Australia, New Zealand, South America, South Africa for a few __________ Raises UV levels by _________ and in some years up ________ stratosphere 95% ozone thinning ozone hole weeks 3-10% 20%
Natural Capital Degradation: Massive Ozone Thinning over Antarctica in 2009 Figure 19.21: Natural capital degradation. This colorized satellite image shows massive ozone thinning over Antarctica during several months in 2009. The center of this image shows a large area where the concentration of ozone has decreased by 50% or more. (Data from NASA) Fig. 19-21, p. 521
Lower Stratosphere (ozone layer) NOT Ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect are ________ the same thing! Solar radiation Reflected by atmosphere Radiated by atmosphere as heat UV radiation Lower Stratosphere (ozone layer) Most UV absorbed by ozone Heat radiated by the earth Visible light Troposphere Heat added to troposphere Greenhouse effect Figure 3.4: High-quality solar energy flows from the sun to the earth. As it interacts with the earth’s air, water, soil, and life, it is degraded into lower-quality energy (heat) that flows back into space. Absorbed by the earth The ozone layer absorbs _______ rays while the greenhouse effect involves __________________ rays UV infrared Fig. 3-4, p. 57
Student Misconceptions What is wrong with this example of a student answer? “As the ozone layer is depleted, more UV rays reach the earth and heat up the atmosphere, causing global warming.” Global warming is caused by the interaction of infrared rays with greenhouse gases…not UV
Our Use of Certain Chemicals Threatens the Ozone Layer In 1974: _____________ and _______________ demonstrated that chlorofluorocarbons (_________) were destroying the protective ozone in the stratosphere Inexpensive to manufacture…popular as ___________ in air conditioners and refrigerators; _______________ in aerosol spray cans; __________ used to make insulation and packaging Rowland Molina CFCs coolants propellants gases
Our Use of Certain Chemicals Threatens the Ozone Layer Other ozone-depleting chemicals Halons and hydrobromofluorocarbons (___________) used in fire extinguishers ______________________...a widely used fumigant _____________________...emitted by space shuttles And many _________________ solvents HBFCs Methyl bromide Hydrogen chloride cleaning
Individuals Matter: Rowland and Molina—A Scientific Story of Courage and Persistence Research CFCs are ______________ in the atmosphere After humans release them they _________ into the stratosphere over __________ years ________________ under high-energy UV radiation Halogens produced accelerate the breakdown of O3 to O2 Each CFC molecule can last _____________years After _________ of delay tactics.... ___________ stopped producing CFCs 1995: ______________ in chemistry persistent rise 11-20 Breakdown 65-385 14 years DuPont Nobel Prize
Why Should We Worry about Ozone Depletion? Damaging UV-A and UV-B radiation Increase eye _______________ and ______________ Decreased crop and forest productivity for UV __________ plants Impair or destroy ___________________ CO2 absorbers and base of aquatic food chains While in the troposphere, CFCs also act as _______________ gases Increased acid __________________ and photochemical ______________ cataracts skin cancer sensitive phytoplankton greenhouse deposition smog
Natural Capital Degradation: Effects of Ozone Depletion Figure 19.22: Decreased levels of ozone in the stratosphere can have a number of harmful effects. (Concept 19-4a). Questions: Which three of these effects do you think are the most threatening? Why? Fig. 19-22, p. 522
What Can You Do? Reducing Exposure to UV Radiation Figure 19.23: Individuals matter. You can reduce your exposure to harmful UV radiation. Question: Which of these precautions do you already take? Fig. 19-23, p. 523
We Can Reverse Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (1) _________ producing all ozone-depleting chemicals 60–100 years for complete recovery of the O3 layer 1987: _____________________....goal was to cut emissions of CFCs by about ______ between 1989 and 2000 1992: ____________________...agreed upon __________________ phase out Ozone protocols: ________________ is the key Stop Montreal Protocol 35% Copenhagen Protocol accelerated prevention
We Can Reverse Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (2) Substitutes for most CFCs are available…unfortunately the most widely used substitutes, ____________________, (HFCs) act as a greenhouse gas More are being developed hydrofluorocarbons
Three Big Ideas Considerable scientific evidence indicates that the earth’s atmosphere is warming, mostly because of _______________ activities, and that this is likely to lead to significant climate disruption during this century that could have severe and long-lasting harmful consequences. human
Three Big Ideas Reducing the projected harmful effects of rapid climate disruption during this century requires ______________ action to… increase energy efficiency sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions rely more on renewable energy resources slow population growth. We need to continue _________________ the use of chemicals that have reduced ozone levels in the stratosphere and allowed more harmful ultraviolet radiation to reach earth’s surface. emergency phasing out
Review Questions What is the main class of chemicals responsible for ozone thinning? What are some detrimental effects caused by ozone depletion? CFCs Skin cancer / cataracts More acid deposition Damage to crops/forests Photochemical smog Damage to phytoplankton
Review Questions What different electromagnetic rays are associated with atmospheric warming and the ozone layer? How are the problems of atmospheric warming and ozone depletion linked? infrared vs. ultraviolet Ozone depletion – less phytoplankton – less CO2 absorption CFCs and some subtitutes act as greenhouse gases