a b c Fold Change DeltaCt Cell Line ADAR1 ADAR2 Ratio H1395 12,776 0,753 16,970 2,84 10,54 H1993 6,274 0,333 18,833 3,75 11,85 H1437 5,932 0,438 13,535 3,99 11,43 A549 0,863 0,179 4,802 6,92 12,67 Cal12T 0,319 0,212 1,502 8,48 12,59 H1650 0,840 0,118 7,114 7,18 13,55 H1975 0,609 0,122 4,993 7,50 13,53 H1703 0,301 0,176 1,707 8,71 12,89 H441 0,962 0,166 5,785 7,01 13,12 HBEC3KTp53 Kras 1 6,06 10,06 b ADAR1 p150 ADAR1 p110 5´UTR 3´ UTR c Suplementary Figure S1. a). Values for ADAR1 and ADAR2 quantitative RT-PCR. Fold change ratios and DeltaCt values. HBEC3KTp53Kras was used as reference sample to calculate the fold change. PPIA gene was used as house-keeping gene to calculate DeltaCt. DeltaCt is referred to the number of run cycles or minutes needed to accumulate enough fluorescent signal to cross the minimum detection value of the qPCR. Ct levels are inversely proportional to the amount of target nucleic acid in the sample (e.g. the lower the Ct level the greater the amount of target nucleic acid in the sample). b). Depiction of ADAR1 structure illustrating the position of the used primers that distinguish ADAR1 isoforms. Red arrows represent primers used for the common amplification for both isoforms; green arrows represent primers that amplify a specific region of the large isoform (ADAR1 p150); yellow arrows represent primers that amplify a specific region of the short isoform (ADAR1 p110). c) Assessment of different ADAR1 isoform expression by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR with specific primers for p110 or p150.