Communicable vs. NonCommunicable Disease Communicable vs. NonCommunicable
DISEASE An Illness that affects the function of the body or mind
Communicable Disease Diseases that can be passed from one person to another
Causes of Communicable diseases GERMS-organisms so small they can only be seen with a microscope They invade the body, grow, reproduce & create poisonous wastes products (infections) that destroys cells
Types of GERms Bacteria Tiny one celled organisms that grow virtually everywhere 3 types bacilli, cocci and spirilla
Types of Germs Viruses Smallest and simplest form of life-most viruses are harmful to humans
Types of germs Rickettsias Small bacteria spread by the bites of insects (ticks and lice)
Types of germs Fungi Simple life forms unable to make their own food (athlete’s foot, ring worm)
Types of germs Protozoa Simple, animal-like organisms (Malaria, Giardia)
How germs spread Direct/Close Contact with person who has germ Indirect contact with person who has the germ Contact with animals Food, water, surfaces we come in contact with
Ways to protect yourself WASH YOUR HANDS #1 way to prevent communicable disease Cover mouth when sneeze Eat Balanced diet Get enough sleep Exercise Shower daily Avoid harmful substances/behaviors Current Vaccinations Prepare food correctly