An inference is a statement that attempts to explain or make sense of an observation It can also be defined as the development of ideas based on observations
The Dancing Quarter Air inside the bottle is warmed. Air expands and escapes. The quarter moves.
Salt and Pepper The spoon is electrically charged. It attracts the mixture. Pepper rises first because it’s lighter than salt.
Curious Cup Air pressure on the outside of the glass holds the paper in place and holds the water in the glass.
The Reappearing Coin Light entering and leaving the water is refracted (bent) allowing you to see the coin again.
Lights Out #1 Candle heat expands the air. Air escapes making bubbles. The flame goes out and the air is cooled. Cool air contracts and allows water to enter the jar.
Lights Out # 2 Gas produced is CO2. CO2 is heavier than air. It flows down into the jar and puts out the flame.
The Mystery Tube Observations on Lab Sheet Answers and Inferences go on Magic Tube Worksheet
Ice Heist Salt melts ice. Water refreezes the string to ice.