Population growth Mr Boland
Birth rate is the number of births per thousand population. Death rate is the number of deaths per thousand population. If the birth rate is higher than the death rate there is a natural increase. If the death rate is higher than the birth rate there is a natural decrease.
1. Come up with two reasons why the global population was under one billion before 1800? 2. Come up with two reasons why the global population rose steadily and then exploded? 3 2 1
1- Slow pop growth; high birth rates (work the farm, no family planning) but also high death rates due to wars, famines and plagues. 2- Pop growth steady with better food (Green Revolution) and medicine 3- population explosion, due to excellent healthcare, food supplies, people living longer having more children and less people dying at a young age. 3 2 1
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As can be seen from the graph population growth has increased steadily in the under developed world, while in the developed world the population growth remains steady.
Population growth changes In the past population growth was very slow in underdeveloped countries. In developing countries population is now very fast. In rich developed countries the population growth is very slow.
Developing countries have rapidly increasing populations. Developed countries have no population growth. Germany is actually experiencing a natural decrease
Factors that influence population change 1Food Supplies 2Health 3Women in society Factors that influence population change 6Improved technology 4Education 5War Picnic basket task
Food Supplies As a country become more developed its food supply improves. Machinery makes it easier to grow crops. When food increases, health improves and we get a population increase.
Health Death from easily curable diseases like the measles and gastro- enteritis have declined as public health has improved. Improvement in hygiene also mean that people are not getting as easily infected as before. As death rates decline population grow.
Improved Technology The improvement of farm machinery, electric pumps, medical equipment has led to better food, farming and medical care resulting in lower death rates and population increase.
War War causes death, separation of families, damage to education, health service and farming. This results in a high death rate and reduced birth rate. Germany lost 7 million people during WW2 bring the population down.
Education People who are educated have aspiration for a proffesional career and usually take part in family planning, having smaller families.
Woman in Society. When woman have the same power as men in society they make more decisions relating to their own lifestyles. As the decision making powers of women increase birth rates tend to decrease.
Brazil Ireland There’s a high birth rate in Brazil and 13% of women are illiterate. However, Brazils birth rate has fallen as women have decided to have smaller families. In Ireland, improved education and equality meant women chose family planning and work outside the home. This resulted in falling birth rates. 40 years ago there was an average of 4 children per mother, it now lies under an average of 2.
Future of population
1.6 billion 1900 6.7 billion 2009 ???????? 2050
Population change into the future... Pessimistic outlook- by 2050 there will be 12 billion people in the world. This could lead to food shortages, larger slums and famines. If girls in the poorest countries remain uneducated growth will continue. The future is bright????
Population change into the future.... Optimistic outlook- Believe that the population will remain steady peaking at 8 billion. Kazakhstan is a developing country! I like!!