Fig. 13 A. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract B. Cuneocerebellar tract Convey information from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs (stretch and tension). Dorsal spinocerebellar from lower limb, cuneocerebellar from upper. Terminates in spinocerebellum (anterior lobe & paramedian lobule) Terminates somatotopically in spinocerebellum (anterior lobe and paramedian lobule Enters cerebellum through inferior cerebellar peduncle Enter cerebellum with the ipsilateral inferior cerebellar peduncle Synapse with second order neuron in the lateral (external) cuneate nucleus Dorsal (posterior) spinocerebellar tract ascends in dorsal part & lateral funiculus Synapse with second order neuron in nucleus dorsalis (of Clarke) First order sensory fibers from muscle spindles and GTOs (muscle stretch and tension) from upper limb enter the dorsal horn and ascend the cervical spinal cord with the fasciculus cuneatus First order fiber ascends spinal cord in fasciculus gracilis to reach upper lumbar cord Upper lumbar cord Cervical cord First order neuron in lumbo-sacral dorsal root ganglion Fig. 13 Lower lumbar/sacral cord