PERSONAL INVESTMENT Group 3 January 2, 2019 EGR 403 _Spring 2004
Group 3 Organizer: Jonathan van Heijzen Techies: Joanna Paula Aguinaldo Ana Kim Summarizers: Gustavo Arenas Jonathan Jimenez EGR 403 _Spring 2004
Overview Why investing? How? Scenarios Tips EGR 403 _Spring 2004
Why investing? Saving for your future Better than saving in the Bank EGR 403 _Spring 2004
Scenarios Recent High School Grad Recent College Grad Recent Ph.D Grad EGR 403 _Spring 2004
Tips Do retirement calculation Choose a retirement date Start now Calculate expected longevity Estimate the average inflation rate Learn other retirement plan Do not stop to invest after retirement EGR 403 _Spring 2004
Resources Essentials of Engineering Textbook EGR 403 _Spring 2004