Outline 1. Latest News from the Commission 2. Implementation of the WFD 3. Waste Thematic Strategy 4. Next Steps and Priority needs 5. The example of Packaging.


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Presentation transcript:

Outline 1. Latest News from the Commission 2. Implementation of the WFD 3. Waste Thematic Strategy 4. Next Steps and Priority needs 5. The example of Packaging

Latest News from the Commission Actions: Report on the Waste Thematic Strategy published on January 2011 – action plan to be drafted Implementation of the WFD Recast of the WEEE Directive Studies Analysis of the consistency of EU legislation (2011– 2012) Analysis of the use of economic instruments incl. producer responsibility (2011 - 2012) Preparation of the Resource Efficiency Roadmap and review of the Sustainable Production and Consumption Plan Main messages: As detailed before (slide 8) , the Commission has adopted recently 3 important Communications: the report on the waste Thematic Strategy, The Communication on a ‘resource efficient Europe’ and the raw material initiative Additional actions are foreseen in the coming months to implement these Communications and to move in practice towards a ‘recycling society’. It includes: The retail forum from which we expect clear and measurable engagements from the sector. Packaging prevention is one of the key issue to be discussed in the coming weeks We intend to launch two analysis in the coming weeks: one on various options to improve plastic waste management of various options for plastic waste And the other on the use of economic instruments incl. producer responsibility schemes notably to identify the “condition for success” of such schemes The Roadmap on resource efficiency (2011) will provide additional general targets for what concerns resource efficiency and waste management and could serve as a basis for the revision of the recycling targets The review of the Sustainable Production and Consumption Action Plan (2012) might provide the appropriate framework for the review of the product policies (incl the ecodesign, GPP and Ecolabel) but also for consumer information (foot print of products/packaging) Two other important rendez vous are fixed in the waste framework Directive – establishment of prevention plans by the MS for which we are developing guidance now; and review of the recycling targets in 2014 The action Plan on the waste Thematic Strategy has to be prepared following the adoption of the report on the Strategy. It might be integrated partly in the resource efficiency roadmap currently in preparation and in the revision of the SCP action plan (notably product aspects) Review of the Packaging Directive? The need for reviewing the Packaging Directive will be analysed in the light of the already foreseen initiatives. Obviously the review of the targets of the waste Framework Directive in 2014 will offer the opportunity to launch an in depth reflection on the combination between both Directives. 2

Waste Framework Directive - Implementation Comitology Target calculation Ready for TAC vote EOW criteria for important materials Stepwise until 2012 Implementation questionnaire TAC consultation Notification formats Waste Management/Prevention Plans/Programs Climate correction factor for R1 formula Expert WG March 2011 Waste prevention indicators Study 2011 Minimum standards for waste treatment

Non legislative measures Waste Framework Directive - Implementation Non legislative measures Brochure on EU waste policies and WFD published Guidance on key provisions TAC consultation March 2011 Guidance on R1 formula for MWI ISC Life-cycle methodology in waste management Technical guidance by JRC Commission Communication? Assessment of Waste Management Plans and up-date guidance on WMP Draft finalised (consultant) Better implementation: Various studies on good implementation practice and the feasibility of institutional instruments Partly finished – partly ongoing

Member States options to calculate the 50% target Waste Framework Directive - Implementation Minimum of overall Minimum of overall Minimum of overall Minimum of overall 50% 50% 50% 50% Paper, glass, metal, plastic + Other household or similar waste streams Paper, glass, metal, plastic All household waste All waste from households + all similar waste streams = all municipal waste Member States options to calculate the 50% target This shows that the 50% target is rather political and rather broad The minimum overlaps with packaging waste HH waste is also WEEE However it would be not advisable to replace the targets of the daughter dir by the 50% since they are much more specific And the missing part is mainly biowaste: if we would set bio-waste targets the 50% target would become redundant

Waste Thematic Strategy Report – Main Conclusions Report published on 19 January 2011 First signals are showing: Limited progress in terms of Waste prevention Encouraging progress for recycling, less landfilling Remarkable differences between Member States Main Conclusions includes: Continue efforts to improve knowledge-base Ensure full implementation of existing acquis Make full use of performing instruments Ensure better synergies between waste and Resource policies, Product policies and Climate policies Improve EU recycling markets Main messages: 5 main mines of actions Ensure full implementation of existing acquis: some key EU targets might not be met on time – need to set in place prevention National Strategies Full use of Economic instruments: optimal combination of legal/economic instruments leads to large passing of EU minimum targets, Common EU approach needed for the application of the producer responsibility principles Better link between waste and: Resource policies: future recycling targets to be defined according to resource needs Product policies: new product design to increase integration of recycled material, limited use of critical/impacting resource, increased recyclability Climate policies: new focus on avoided indirect emissions Improve EU recycling markets: better standardization, improved market conditions Improve knowledge: development of new tools/scenarios linking resource needs, waste management, environmental impacts, effect of legal/economic instruments 6

SOME TARGETS IN EU WASTE LEGISLATION   min recovery min recycling collection rate Packaging 2008 60% 55% Cars 2015 95% 85% 100% Electronics 2006 70% 50% min 4 kg per inhabitant per year Batteries 2011 50% to 75% (efficiency) 2012 25% 2016  45% Tyres 0 landfill of tyres Biowaste diverted from landfills reduction to 75% of the 1995 level 2009 reduction to 50% of the 1995 level reduction to 35% of the 1995 level New targets Separate collection: at least paper/metal/plastic/glass (WFD) 2020 50% household waste 70% construction and demolition waste Biowaste target? Conclusion: Before setting any new targets (biowaste) and revising existing targets we need a longterm vision of the development of targets until 2020 Future targets have to be coherent. In 2014 we will have the opportunity to propose a coherent strategy

Next steps and future needs Gather relevant data for EU legislation Waste generation by categories Application of the waste hierarchy - Focus on Prevention, reuse, recycling, recovery Gaps for specific waste streams – batteries, C/D waste, WEEE categories, Mining waste Export of waste EU 27 + accession/candidates + annual basis How to measure progress towards a recycling society? Evaluation of the waste management plans/programs? Main messages: 5 main mines of actions Ensure full implementation of existing acquis: some key EU targets might not be met on time – need to set in place prevention National Strategies Full use of Economic instruments: optimal combination of legal/economic instruments leads to large passing of EU minimum targets, Common EU approach needed for the application of the producer responsibility principles Better link between waste and: Resource policies: future recycling targets to be defined according to resource needs Product policies: new product design to increase integration of recycled material, limited use of critical/impacting resource, increased recyclability Climate policies: new focus on avoided indirect emissions Improve EU recycling markets: better standardization, improved market conditions Improve knowledge: development of new tools/scenarios linking resource needs, waste management, environmental impacts, effect of legal/economic instruments 8

Next steps and future needs Ensure validity/reliability of statistics More than 100% recycling – packaging Some MS seems to meet all min EU target but still landfill more than 70% Confront waste generation/treatment/EU targets Divergences between Ministries/Agencies Statistic’s on Economic instruments Data on relation between waste policies and: Resource policies, Product policies, Climate policies Environmental impacts of materials Main messages: 5 main mines of actions Ensure full implementation of existing acquis: some key EU targets might not be met on time – need to set in place prevention National Strategies Full use of Economic instruments: optimal combination of legal/economic instruments leads to large passing of EU minimum targets, Common EU approach needed for the application of the producer responsibility principles Better link between waste and: Resource policies: future recycling targets to be defined according to resource needs Product policies: new product design to increase integration of recycled material, limited use of critical/impacting resource, increased recyclability Climate policies: new focus on avoided indirect emissions Improve EU recycling markets: better standardization, improved market conditions Improve knowledge: development of new tools/scenarios linking resource needs, waste management, environmental impacts, effect of legal/economic instruments 9

2012 – Waste Thematic Strategy Review 2012-13 Impact Assessment 2011/2012 Actions Use of economic Instruments Coherence EU legislation Evaluation 8 Waste Plans Climate and waste Guidance prevention Modelling? 2014: Recycling Targets Review WFD and Landfill Directive for biodegradable waste 9/1- Report on the Waste Thematic Strategy Focus on Implementation Product Polices Sustainable Material Management Links with Resource and Climate 2013: Nat. Prevention Plans ? 6th EAP Valid until 2012 Evaluation to be finalised Includes a section on waste 2012 - 7th EAP WG on SMM ISG on sustainable Material Management 26/1- A resource-efficient Europe – Flagship initiative Under 2020 Strategy Roadmap resource-efficient Europe New EU biodiversity strategy for 2020 Commodity/raw materials markets References to recycling, Ecodesign, GHG Circular economy, 0 landfill and 15% Prevention for modelling July 2011- Roadmap on Resource Efficiency Vision on 2050 targets Material approach Use of economic instruments 2012: Review of the SCP Action Plan Include resource efficiency in Product policies Review of the Ecodesign Directive SCP action plan Ecodesign, Ecolabel GPP Retail Forum Main messages: As detailed before (slide 8) , the Commission has adopted recently 3 important Communications: The report on the waste Thematic Strategy The Communication on a ‘resource efficient Europe’ The raw material initiative Additional actions are foreseen in the coming months to implement these Communications. It will be important to ensure full consistency between the different actions foreseen in the coming years. It is not yet decided whether a review of the waste Thematic Strategy will be done in 2012 – it might be integrated into the next Environmental Action Plan (if any) but also partly in the resource efficiency roadmap currently in preparation and in the revision of the SCP action plan (notably product aspects) The retail forum is also another important initiative from which we expect clear and measurable engagements from the sector. Packaging prevention is one of the key issue to be discussed in the coming weeks Two other important rendez vous are fixed in the waste framework Directive – establishment of prevention plans by the MS for which we are developing guidance now; and review of the recycling targets in 2014 2011/12 (?) - Eco Innovation Partnership Focus on critical materials Innovation to increase Recycling, improve mining LCA approach 10 pilot projects 2/2 – Raw Material Initiative Includes 3 pilars: EU’s trade strategy Sustainable extraction Resource efficiency and recycling 10

Optimal case : Packaging Total packaging waste generation in the EU (kg/year/capita) Source: EEA 2009,Eurostat 2010 Main messages: On the front of quantitative prevention, there was a modest decrease of packaging generation (7% between 2000 and 2008) but the trend is not very marked There was a relative decoupling of packaging waste generation with household consumption (which has increased by 16% during the same period) – which is an encouraging signal. But no absolute decrease of packaging generation This might be linked with the limited application of the ‘essential requirements’ as defined in the Directive- even if we have limited information on their real application. The ‘essential requirements” are principles not easy to ‘translate’ into measurable requirements. CEN has developed standards which are applied on a voluntary basis. Progress seems limited and very dependent on the Member States willingness to control For what concerns qualitative prevention, progress have been accomplished notably on the heavy metal contents of packaging. This might be linked with the clarity and enforceability of the limit values 11

Packaging waste management Source: EEA 2009, ESTAT 2010 Main Messages: The evolution of packaging waste treatment at EU 27 level is positive: in 8 years, recycling has increased from 50% to 61%. In the same time, disposal has decreased from more than 40% to less than 30% (27%) Energy recovery seems to remain relatively stable All together, recycling rates of packaging are relatively high compared to other waste streams even if there are still possibilities to do more and there are large differences between MS (see next slide)

Packaging waste management – 2008 Recovery Target 2008 Recycling Target 2008 Source: Eurostat Waste Data Centre 2010 Main messages: There are significant differences between MS : In 2008, 15 Member States had met the 2008 target to recycle 55% of packaging put on the market. The 12 New Member States have transitional periods to achieve this target (see dates on the slide). We will carefully analyse the situation of the remaining MS as well as the statistics provided by the other MS We would like to better understand why there so significant differences between Member States and take all necessary measures to ensure to increase MS performances – with a clear focus on ‘lagging behind’ MS In a first analysis it seems that ‘top MS’ like Germany, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg have in place an efficient producer responsibility scheme implying the financing of the separate collection, the sorting and the recycling by the packaging ‘users’

Thank you for your attention For more information: Report on the waste strategy: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/strategy.htm Flagship on Resource Efficiency: http://ec.europa.eu/resource-efficient-europe/ 14