Land cover/use data collection systems in Sweden


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Presentation transcript:

Land cover/use data collection systems in Sweden - Some indications on the possibility of integrating national data with LUCAS Gerda Ländell Statistics Sweden Energy, Transport and Agricultural Statistics SE-701 89 Örebro Sweden Tel. +46 19-17 68 07 Fax +46 19-17 70 88  

Land cover/use data collection systems Corine Land Cover GSD Marktäckedata – satellite data combined with other data sources kNN Sweden – countrywide estimates of forest variables using satellite data The Swedish National Forest Inventory NILS – National Inventory of Lanscapes in Sweden Block data base – Farm Structure Survey Register of Real Estate Tax Assessement Soil and crop sample survey

Soil and crop sample survey Covers arable land, a repeated sampling which includes 2 000 sample sites Describes the state of the Swedish arable land as well as crop quality in relation to soil conditions A network of permanent sample sites found in the field by GPS Sampling of soil and crop occurs every 10th year in each sample site

How were the sample sites selected? A grid was laid out across the country. The square size was adjusted for the desired number of sample sites For reasons of confidentiality the sample sites in the grid have been moved with a random distance of 1-500 m, so the grid is not completely symmetrical Each point in the grid represents a possible sample site

Soil and crop sample survey If the a point in the grid landed on arable land it was selected for sampling

Soil and crop sample survey The maps of arable land were taken from the database of subsidy applications made by farmers Selected sample site

Soil and crop sample survey The samples are representative for Swedish arable land This map shows the sample sites combined with drainage areas

This website of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences describes the soil and crop sample survey…. …. in Swedish

The database in this website contains data from the analysis of the selected soil samples Cadmium in the soil, mg/kg

Soil and crop sample survey in Sweden Thank you for your attention!