IMSS005 Computer Science Seminar 2013/14 Lecture 1 This course is normally offered in every semester. If you are not planning to give a presentation in this semester, then do not enroll in this course!!
Instructor Name: Dr. Xu Qiwen Web site: Contact details: Phone: 3974377 Email: Office: N327A
Course objectives Preparation for your thesis Introduction to research Literature review Research proposal General overview of a topic Presentation skill Writing Oral presentation
Course arrangement 1st week: Briefing 5th week: Introduction on Proper Referencing Literature review Research proposal General overview of a topic Presentation skills From 1st week: Preparation I.e., do your own work – there will be no classes during that time until … “your presentation date”. Attendance (including lectures) is compulsory and will be counted. It is the students’ responsibility to consult with respective supervisors on a regular basis.
Presentation schedule If you are planning to enroll this course: You need to find a supervisor (Assistant Professors or higher) Discuss your topic of interest Then inform me for presentation scheduling
Topic and Supervisor Deadline: 4th Oct Send me email including following information: Student name Student number (in full) Name of supervisor Title/Topic of your seminar
Canceling your seminar 11th October Send me email including following information: Student name Student number (in full) Name of supervisor Title/Topic of your seminar
Summary Deadline: 25th October Send summary by email: At least one and a half page Write a summary about your topic, including at least 3 references.
Meeting Class: 15th Nov Meet to finalise presentation orders
Report submission and Start Presentation Class: 29th Nov Two hard copies: Instructor (me) and supervisor Must be FINAL versions If you fail to submit your report, your presentation will be automatically cancelled. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Presentation file submission Deadline: One day before your presentation date Must be the FINAL version which is used at the presentation Submit to instructor by email
Overall Mark Distribution Report (50%) From your supervisor Presentation (40%) 20% from your other presenting classmates 20% from the instructor Attendance (5%) Including lectures and all seminars Seminar Summary (5%)
Presentation Each presentation 35 mins for presentation 5 mins for setup 10 mins for Q&A A student can only present once in normal circumstances. If the student is sick on the date, and would like to apply for a supplementary seminar, the student is required to submit medical certificates.
Presentation Marking All presenters and markers must arrive on time (or earlier) for every presentation. If you are late, you will not be allowed to mark the presentation. Your attendance for that presentation will also be marked as zero.
Mark distribution for presentation