Ethics Communication Channels BUSINESS ETHICS course
Introduction Each one of us, regardless of our position, share the responsibility for creating a positive working environment. One way you can help is by bringing forward your concerns, questions and suspicions to your manager. For time when you don’t feel comfortable talk with your manage, we have also available the Business Practices Officer or the AHI CARRIER Confidential Communication Channel. It is another way to communicate concerns confidentially and anonymously.
Available Communication Channels… Contact A BPO When… Contact through Ethics Point …Confidential Communication Channel You want clarification or information about a policy outlined in the Code of Ethics or one of its Policy Supplements You may use this system to: raise any company-related topic, submit questions, compliments, raise issues (i.e, Conflicts of Interest, Environment Health and Safety concerns, etc.) or make suggestions.
What is a Business Practices Officer (BPO) BPO take cares of : Promoting employee training programs regarding business ethics, compliance, and the Code in particular Fielding and answering business practices questions from leaders and managers and providing advice and interpretation of the Code Investigating alleged violations of the Code, laws, or regulations pertaining
Confidential Communication Channel Features: Covers all AHI Carrier territories Branded as the ‘Confidential Communication Channel Users can file new reports or follow-up on a report 24/7/365 In addition to the web-based reporting system, reports can be reported through the Telephone Hotline (Toll-Free numbers provided) Security In conformity with EU data privacy laws & regulations Hosted on EthicsPoint’s secure servers Secure access
Confidential Communication Channel 1) What is the New Confidential Communication Channel ? Confidential Communication Channel, provides an anonymous and confidential method to express our suggestions, concerns or report of misconduct, by phone or by creating an on-line report. The New Confidential Communication Channel is partnered with EthicsPoint ( for a web-based portal. EthicsPoint is a world wide company and has committed to defining best practises for integrated Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC.). Has created an effective reporting system that is instrumental in managing enterprise risk. How do I access it?; Through web page 3) How to fill a report? Online or Telephone dial in
Confidential Communication Channel How does the system works? Who should use it? You make a report with an independent firm called EthicsPoint. It’s for all AHI CARRIER personnel, regardless of location or position. For telephone dial in, there are lines for Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic and Austria. For on line report, the system is available in Greek and English language. What is it for? How do I access it? Use the system to express concerns, ask questions, and offer ideas. Whatever you need it for! Remains anonymous. For telephone dial in, you may find instruction on web page For creating a new report, visit the web page, choose «File A New Report», then choose the country and follow the instructions.
Confidential Communication Channel You may use this system to: raise any company-related topic, submit questions, compliments, raise issues (i.e, Conflicts of Interest, Environment Health and Safety concerns, etc.) or, make suggestions The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard, names and contacts will not be shared outside the program. Only the Confidential Communication Channel Coordinator located at AHI Carrier’s corporate headquarters will have access to your identity. However, you may remain anonymous if you choose.
File a New Report (Online ) Go to «On line Report » Select the country in which you are located Select the country in which the violation took place and press continue Select the type of report you would like to make and press continue Provide needed information (*Required fields) Submit Report
File a New Report (Online) Next you will be asked to create a password. The EthicsPoint system will generate a unique code called a “Report Key”. Write them both and keep them in a safe place. You will need them to follow up later, or if you ever want to review or amend you report. 21 days after you complete your report, you can return to the Confidential Communication Channel / Ethics point system to see if the company has posted any follow up questions or requests.
File a New Report by Phone Go to «File a new report by Phone» Select the country in which you are located The call will be answered in English language after 1-3 minutes Advise that you want talk to someone in your local language Report the violation 21 days after you complete your report, you can return to the Confidential Communication Channel / Ethics point system to see if the company has posted any follow up questions or requests.
FAQ’s Where do these reports go? Who can access them? Reports are entered directly on the EthicsPoint secure server to prevent any possible breech in security. EthicsPoint makes these reports available only to specific individuals within the company who are charged with evaluating the report, based on the type of violation and location of the incidents. Each of these report recipients had training in keeping these report in the utmost confidence. It is my understanding that any report I send from a company computer generated a server log that shows every web site that my PC connects with, and won’t this log identify me as a report originator? EthicsPoint does not generate of maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses, so no information linking you PC to EthicsPoint is available. In fact EthicsPoint is contractually committed no to pursue a reporter’ identity
Questions Questions : May I report using the Internet or telephone? YES NO Can I file a report to Ethics Point system from job or home and remain anonymous? YES NO 3. I am not sure if what I have observed or heard is a violation of company’s policy , or involves unethical conduct, but it just does not look right to me. What should I do. File a report ? YES NO
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