KOVÁCS, Kármen University of Pécs Hungary The Teaching of the Library Users in the Library of the University of Pécs KOVÁCS, Kármen University of Pécs Hungary KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
Purposes of the teaching of the library users Library users know the basics of the library system (document types, e-catalog, call numbers, location etc.) Knowing information sources, searching techniques & evaluation of searching results Library users be able to search and find information and documents themselves they need KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
Forms of the teaching of the library users How-to-use the library for first-year students Using databases providing e-journals and professional datas, information Information sources & methods (formal & content) of writing thesis Semester courses for BA and MA students KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
Semester courses for BA and MA students Types of library documents and information sources Classification of professional literature System of call numbers E-catalogs Using e-journal databases Online research methods Collecting professional literature to a certain topic Methods of writing thesis References Making presentation KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs Research guides Purposes to reach library documents and professional information, available online or through our library, related to a certain professional field easier the systematical availability of the different kind of information sources and professional documents according to topics to support research in a certain professional field KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs Research guides The thematic research guides gives guiding to the following call numbers, searching by subject headings, reference books, journals, e-journals, databases, websites, professional organizations, feedback etc. KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs Research guides http://akk.lib.pte.hu/cms/ http://akk.lib.pte.hu/cms/main.php?menu=guides&article=researchguides/marketingEng.html#regiSzakfoly KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs Research guides Development purposes to work out research guides to further professional fields (management, statisticsetc.) to work out a general economic site that would include sites of research institutes, Nobel-prizers, twin-universities, professional/university book publishers link with the other elements of e-learning KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs
Thank you for your kind attention! KOVÁCS, Kármen, University of Pécs