Human Development and Family Studies FACULTY LED: ACES Faculty-Led Program: A Focus on the Mediterranean Lifestyle in Greece ACES Faculty-Led Program: History, Culture, and Development in Sierra Leone ACES Faculty-Led Program: Identity Research Experience in Ghana (Summer) ACES Faculty-Led Program: Leadership Study Tour in Italy ACES Faculty-Led Program: Service Learning, Child, Family, Health and Agriculture in South Africa (Winter) ACES/BUS Faculty-Led: The International Business Immersion Program (IBIP) – Brazil (Winter) SUMMER: ACES Exchange: Food Heritage Tour at UniLaSalle in France ACES Direct Enroll: Study and Intern at American Farm School in Greece ACES Provider: Global Experiences Internship: Barcelona, Dublin, London, or Sydney SEMESTER: ACES Exchange: University of Bristol in the United Kingdom ACES Exchange: University of Reading in the United Kingdom ACES Exchange: Massey University in New Zealand ACES/ENG Exchange: University of Vicosa in Brazil (200 level Portuguese) ACES Exchange: University of Sydney in Australia ACES Direct Enroll: Agribusiness & International Development at Njala University in Sierra Leone ACES Direct Enroll: Study and Intern at University of Western Cape in South Africa IAGE Exchange: Uppsala University in Sweden
Program Summaries FACULTY LED: ACES Faculty-Led Program: Service Learning, Child, Family, Health and Agriculture in South Africa The program consists of a 20-day study tour to Cape Town, South Africa featuring cultural/historical tours and 2 weeks of volunteer work. Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to, HIV/AIDS education, childcare, healthcare, and community projects in Cape Town and surrounding townships. This program also includes a course during the previous semester. ACES Faculty-Led Program: Identity Research Experience in Ghana (Summer) This course focuses on ethnic identity development in the family context with an emphasis on Africans and people of African descent. Students will explore established and emerging theories related to identity development within extended families and examine why and how learning about identity, family, and community in historical and contemporary Ghana can provide identity development insight for African Americans in the U.S. SUMMER: ACES Exchange: Food Heritage Tour at UniLaSalle in France This summer course compares agricultural systems in France, Italy and the Netherlands and addresses topics such as innovative initiatives in food production and processing, food quality labels, and landscape research. Through lectures, workshops and field visits, students will gain insights into regional cultural landscapes and discover what makes European food production unique. ACES Direct Enroll: Study and Intern at American Farm School in Greece The Dimitris Perrotis College of Agricultural Studies in Thessaloniki, Greece, offers a six-week program that fuses practical, hands-on agricultural work experience with a unique introduction to the culture and traditions of Greece. The program includes classroom and fieldwork exploration of the dynamic and varied world of Greek agriculture and food industry, as well as exposure to daily life in Greece. SEMESTER: IAGE Exchange: Uppsala University in Sweden Uppsala University hosts many international students, and makes it a priority to include all students in the university community. A variety of courses are offered in HDFS-related subjects, and research opportunities are available for interested students. ACES/ENG Exchange: University of Vicosa in Brazil (200 level Portuguese) Located north of Rio de Janiero, the University of Vicosa offers courses in Housekeeping, Early Childhood Education, and the Social Sciences that translate well to students in HDFS at the University of Illinois. This program requires at least 2 semesters of Portuguese language experience. ACES Exchange: Massey University in New Zealand This program offers a variety of coursework for HDFS students, including Human Development, Studies of Infant and Toddlers, and Adolescent Development. There is additional coursework available that fulfills ACES electives as well as general education requirements. Application Deadlines: Varies, Spring semester and WB Sept 15, Summer and Fall Feb. 15 Apply: - Click ‘programs’ and enter program name in search field Cost: Varies depending on length and location For information on scholarships: Walk-in hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2-4pm and Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am