Figure S1 Nil + CK Nil CK C BIM BCLXL Pro-caspase 3 Cleaved caspase 3 Tubulin Pro-caspase 3 Cleaved caspase 3 Figure S1 Legend of the figure S1 : a: K562 cells were treated with nilotinib ( NIL, 20 nM) in the presence or not of cytokines (CK). Proteins were analyzed by western-blot for BIM-EL, Bcl-XL, procaspase 3, cleaved caspase 3 and tubuline. b: The blots of BIM-EL, Bcl-XL and tubulin were quantified using the Kodak Image Station machine and software. Tthe ratios BIM-EL/tubulin (blue bars) and Bcl-XL/tubulin (red bars) were calculated for each experiments and normalized taking the untreated control values as unit. The mean +/- SD of three independent experiments are shown.