Operations Software Bryan Butler
EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR Introduction There are many diverse pieces of software needed for everyday operations that don’t quite fit in to the overall architecture diagram - the things that the operators do on a day-to-day basis. We know about these software items because of their need in operating the VLA. I’ll discuss some of these briefly now. 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR Main Categories The software that operators generally run can be broken down into a few main categories: Submitting jobs, including normal science observing, and a number of “standard” tests Monitoring the array Managing observing logs Keeping track of maintenance issues Tracking what gets observed Periodic checkups (shift, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly) Asynchronous checkups (antenna acceptance, etc.) 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
Example - Antenna Acceptance Before antennas can be used in regular operations, they must be demonstrated to actually be able to be used properly. A checklist has been developed for this. Operators are using it regularly. It is command line currently, morphing to be part of the Operator’s Interface in the near-term (months). Will have to be extended as needed, but sufficient for now 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
Pointing, Baselines, etc. Operators need to be able to do all of these normal tasks: Pointing (global antenna pointing model) Baselines (antenna location) Focus Delays Software exists to do this now, but it is only usable by experts - we need a conversion to more simple interfaces. 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
Example - global & reference pointing model Modcomp only 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
Example - global & reference pointing model Modcomp & EVLA 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
Example - global & reference pointing model EVLA, pre-WIDAR 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
Example - global & reference pointing model EVLA, w/ WIDAR 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR
EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR Standard Scripts There are a number of other pieces of the VLA operations software that are currently implemented as programs or special OBSERVE files that can be implemented as new jython scripts. This includes: SYSTIP SYSSTART SYSFLUX SYSCORR SYSTEST MODCAL SNOW SYSMELT Etc… We are in the process of converting these as needed. 2006Dec05/06 EVLA M&C Transition Software CDR