Removal of a ring from a finger. Dr. P.T.Kenny.
Introduction Pregnant women, especially, sometimes seek help from their doctors to remove a wedding ring or an engagement ring that is stuck on a finger due to oedema, etc. By the time the patient reports to the doctor, all sorts of methods have been tried without success.
Options for removal Refer the patient to your dentist-friend to saw the ring through with his dental drill. Use your hacksaw under GA in theatre (the patient won’t feel the pain or witness the damage you do!). If available, use a ring cutter. Try the following ‘string-method’.
Requirements A thin piece of cotton string, about 70 centimeters long (or a piece of 2/0 Black Silk suturing material.) A paper clip. Patience. Your patient’s co-operation. In stead of a string, an IV line tubing may also be used.
Technique Thread the string between the finger and the ring using the paper clip (easier on the palmar aspect). The length of string proximal to the ring should be ± 10cm (for you to hold onto). Now neatly wind the distal piece of string firmly around the finger, starting against the ring.
Photo’s to further explain….. Technique continued... Work gently making sure that the oedema is forced distally. Keep on winding the string past the knuckle. Now press the distal piece of string tightly against the finger preventing it from unwinding. Unwind the string proximal to the ring, pulling it distally as you unwind and continuing past the knuckle. The ring then comes off. Photo’s to further explain…..