Barry Barish JSPS - Sendai 12-Sept-11


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Presentation transcript:

Barry Barish JSPS - Sendai 12-Sept-11 Global Design Effort ILC R&D and Technical Design Energy stability over 3hrs with 4.5mA ~0.02% pk-pk 9 Feb 2011 Grooved Insert for CesrTA Wiggler Barry Barish JSPS - Sendai 12-Sept-11 FLASH Stability Tests 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Outline Update on ILC accelerator R&D Plans and Scope of for the TDR TDR Baseline TDR Phase 2 plans Scope and Contents of the TDR Future beyond 2012 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

R&D Progress global program focused on major test facilities R&D Progress global program focused on major test facilities *** systems tests *** 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Major R&D Goals for Technical Design SCRF High Gradient R&D - globally coordinated program to demonstrate gradient by 2010 with 50%yield; improve yield to 90% by TDR (end 2012) Manufacturing: plug compatible design; industrialization, etc. Systems tests: FLASH; plus NML (FNAL), STF2 (KEK) post-TDR Test Facilities ATF2 - Fast Kicker tests and Final Focus design/performance EARTHQUAKE RECOVERY CesrTA - Electron Cloud tests to establish damping ring parameters/design and electron cloud mitigation strategy FLASH – Study performance using ILC-like beam and cryomodule 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort Global Design Effort 4

SCRF Status/Progress high gradient cavities system tests industrialization 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

The ILC SCRF Cavity Achieve high gradient (35MV/m); develop multiple vendors; make cost effective, etc Focus is on high gradient; production yields; cryogenic losses; radiation; system performance 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Global Plan for ILC Gradient R&D New baseline gradient: Vertical acceptance: 35 MV/m average, allowing ±20% spread (28-42 MV/m) Operational: 31.5 MV/m average, allowing ±20% spread (25-38 MV/m) 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Cavity Gradient Milestone Achieved TDR Goal 2010 Milestone Toward TDR goal Field emission; mechanical polishing Other progress 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

S1-Global: Systems Tests 19-May-11 Pac Mtg - Taiwan Global Design Effort

Test Facilities: FLASH SCRF accelerator tests 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Example Experimental Results Beam Current (mA) 1 2 3 4 5 Gradient change over 400us (%) -3 -5 +3 +5 Gradient Tilts vs Beam Current (ACC7) Intended working point ~2.5% Characterisation of solution by scanning beam current model benchmarking Flat gradient solution achieved 4.5 mA beam 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

FLASH: Stability 15 consecutive studies shifts (120hrs), and with no downtime Time to restore 400us bunch-trains after beam-off studies: ~10mins Energy stability with beam loading over periods of hours: ~0.02% Individual cavity “tilts” equally stable Energy stability over 3hrs with 4.5mA ~0.02% pk-pk 9 Feb 2011 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Test Facilities: Cesr-TA eCloud broad accelerator applications 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

eCloud R&D Mitigating Electron Cloud Simulations – electrodes; coating and/or grooving vacuum pipe Demonstration at CESR critical tests 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Mitigation - Simulation Studies 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

CesrTA - Wiggler Observations 0.002” radius Electrode a best performance 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort IWLC2010 - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Proposed ILC Mitigation Scheme Field Region Baseline Mitigation Recommendation Alternatives for Further Investigation Drift* TiN Coating Solenoid Windings NEG Coating Dipole Grooves with TiN Coating Antechambers for power loads and photoelectron control R&D into the use of clearing electrodes. Quadrupole*   R&D into the use of clearing electrodes or grooves with TiN coating Wiggler Clearing Electrodes 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Test Facilities: ATF-2 large international collaboration 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

ATF2 – Beam size/stability and kicker tests IP Shintake Monitor Final Doublet 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Design Update Global design and decision making 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

RDR Complete Reference Design Report (4 volumes) Physics Executive Summary Physics at the ILC Detectors Accelerator 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

RDR Design Parameters Max. Center-of-mass energy 500 GeV Peak Luminosity ~2x1034 1/cm2s Beam Current 9.0 mA Repetition rate 5 Hz Average accelerating gradient 31.5 MV/m Beam pulse length 0.95 ms Total Site Length 31 km Total AC Power Consumption ~230 MW 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Establishing Baseline for the TDR 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Proposed Design changes for TDR RDR SB2009 Single Tunnel for main linac Move positron source to end of linac *** Reduce number of bunches factor of two (lower power) ** Reduce size of damping rings (3.2km) Integrate central region Single stage bunch compressor 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Technical Design Phase and Beyond change control process AAP PAC Physics TDP Baseline Technical Design TDR RDR Baseline SB2009 evolve TDP-2 TDP-1 Beijing Workshop CERN Workshop Change Request RDR ACD concepts R&D Demonstrations AD&I studies 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort 28

Plans through 2012 -------------- Technical Design Report (TDR) 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Project Implementation Plan Five Themes to Develop Remains special case Project Implementation Plan Industrialisation in-kind contribution models Site requirements Project Schedule Remaining Technical activities Regional expertise, global Industrialisation Average accelerating gradient Cost (cryomodule, mass-production models) SCRF Technology Sources DR (e-cloud) BDS / MDI R&D (General) Consolidation of baseline(s) Design choices (parameters, layout etc.) Design work (documentation) AD&I (CFS) ICET (schedule tool) Traceable, defendable Justification Cost & Schedule R&D (and engineering) beyond 2012 Impact (design, cost, schedule) Mitigation (fall-back solutions) TDR Risk >2012 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort Global Design Effort 30 30 30

Technical Design Phase 2 Timescale: Produce final reports end of 2012 Technical Design (TDR) Project Implementation (PIP) (included) First goal: Technical Design (TDR) SCRF – S0 gradient; S1 Global Tests continue past 2012 Detailed technical design studies from new baseline Updated VALUE estimate and schedule. Remaining critical R&D and technology demonstration complete CesrTA; ATF-2; FLASH; etc. Second Goal: Project Implementation Plan (PIP) Studies of governance; siting solicitation and site preparations; manufacturing; etc. 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Impact of Baseline Changes 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Starting Point is the RDR Costs 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

OECD PPP (Yen/USD)-annual average by year EX-exchange rate GDP: PPP based on all goods/services in GDP of each region M&E: PPP based on machinery and equipment Const: PPP based on civil construction Full PPP determinations were done for 2005 and 2008; other year points based on GDP inflation rates 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Project Implementation Planning 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

(Global) Mass Production (SCRF) Cost Effective Mass-Production Cavity Specs. / Yield Plug Compatible Interfaces Vendor Models Production process models In-kind contribution models PIP Governance TLCC-1 Global S1 TDP-2 Critically important TDP2 activity Learn from XFEL experience 5% ILC Learn from LHC experience Develop realistic models on which to base cost estimate With industry SCRF 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

KEK Industrial R&D Pilot Plant Chemical Polish room 19m x 14m ISO class-5 clean room Electron Beam Welder Press machine work together with industry to develop cost-effective cavity production techniques Triming machine 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

ILC: Future after 2012 preserving GDE assets post-TDR pre-construction program 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Technical design & R&D program ILC possible timeline CY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Technical Design Report complete Baseline established Decision to proceed TDR reviews ILC Technical design & R&D program Site/host established Site EOI’s Cost Estimating SRF system tests Project Implementation Plan complete XFEL operation Physics Run 1 Interconnect repair Physics Run 2 LHC Existence of low-lying SUSY known Higgs energy scale known timegap 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Technical design & R&D program ILC possible timeline CY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Technical Design Report complete Baseline established Decision to proceed TDR reviews ILC Technical design & R&D program Site/host established Site EOI’s Cost Estimating SRF system tests Project Implementation Plan complete XFEL operation Physics Run 1 Interconnect repair Physics Run 2 LHC Existence of low-lying SUSY known Higgs energy scale known timegap 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort

Post-2012 ILC Interim Goals & Organization GDE will have successfully completed its mandate after TDR & PIP delivered + reviewed (mid-2013 at latest) What should follow GDE (mandate and organization) for an interim 3-5 year period? GDE position paper submitted to ILCSC Aug 2011. The paper addresses: Technical Goals proposed for 2012+ program? Continued system demonstrations; Increasing energy reach Organizational Issues for 2012+ post GDE? What are primary GDE assets that should be preserved? What are the primary GDE weaknesses that should be improved? 12-Sept-11 JSPS - Sendai Global Design Effort