MINERAL 1 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown MINERAL 1 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral cannot be scratched by a fingernail or a piece of copper, but can be scratched by an iron nail and glass. STREAK
STREAK - none, scratch only MINERAL 2 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral can only be scratched by diamond. Note the hexagonal crystal form. STREAK - none, scratch only
MINERAL 3 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown MINERAL 3 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral cannot be scratched by a fingernail or iron nail. The mineral cannot scratch glass or a ceramic tile. STREAK - look closely
MINERAL 4 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown MINERAL 4 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral can be scratched by everything except a piece of chalk. STREAK - look closely
STREAK - none, scratch only MINERAL 5 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral can only be scratched by Mineral 2 and Mineral 10. STREAK - none, scratch only
MINERAL 6 Acid Test: (+) Observe color, luster, streak as shown MINERAL 6 Acid Test: (+) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral can scratch a fingernail. It cannot scratch copper, and is easily scratched by a nail or glass. STREAK - look closely
MINERAL 7 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown MINERAL 7 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral cannot usually scratch a ceramic tile. A steel file cannot scratch the mineral. This mineral can scratch glass and a steel file. Notice the crystal structure. STREAK - colorless
MINERAL 8 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown MINERAL 8 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral can barely be scratched by a fingernail. This mineral can scratch chalk. STREAK - look closely
MINERAL 9 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown MINERAL 9 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown. This mineral can be scratched by a ceramic tile and diamond. It can scratch copper, a nail, and glass. STREAK - look closely
MINERAL 10 Acid Test: (-) Observe color, luster, streak as shown in ring setting. This mineral cannot be scratched by anything. STREAK - none, scratch only