Good practice from Australia


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Presentation transcript:

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Australia values sustainable development The SDGs reflect things that Australians value highly and seek to protect

Australia values sustainable development The SDGs reflect things that Australians value highly and seek to protect The SDGs are a reflection of our values and ambitions. They are the contemporary manifestation of the ‘fair go’. Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Minister for International Development and the Pacific at the 2nd Australian Sustainable Development Goals Summit, 13 March 2018

How’s EO going in Australia? How well is Australia using Earth observation: in our indicator framework?

How’s EO going in Australia? How well is Australia using Earth observation: in our indicator framework?

How’s EO going in Australia? How well is Australia using Earth observation: in our indicator framework?

How’s EO going in Australia? How well is Australia using Earth observation: in our indicator framework? to drive sustainable development?

Murray-Darling Basin Plan The Murray-Darling Basin contains Australia’s largest river system, extending across 14 per cent of the country’s landmass. Over 3 million people use water from the Basin. It provides 23,000 gigalitres (GL) in water storage, supports around 40 per cent of all farms in Australia, and produces around half the nation’s irrigated produce, worth approximately $7.1 billion each year. In the past, the health of the Basin has been impacted by drought and water extraction practices that inadequately addressed environmental sustainability considerations.

Ensuring compliance with the Basin Plan In June 2018 … approved a large-scale environmental flow in the Northern Basin… for specifically prescribed environmental and socio-economic benefit during a very dry time. To ensure the flow achieved the desired outcomes, NSW initiated a temporary restriction on consumptive extraction in the Barwon–Darling, providing an excellent opportunity to test … the use of satellite imagery for compliance purposes. The imagery was also used in conjunction with publicly available gauge data …

Ensuring compliance with the Basin Plan We're using advanced technology to make sure water users are doing the right thing… Active compliance is one thing which will give Australians confidence in the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. The Hon. David Littleproud MP Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources 12 Sept, 2018

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How’s EO going in Australia? How well is Australia using Earth observation: in our indicator framework? to drive sustainable development?

How’s EO going in Australia? How well is Australia using Earth observation: in our indicator framework? to drive sustainable development?

Thank You Applying the ODC to the SDGs Room B1, 1530-1800, Tuesday