Monday 1. I am tardy to class if I am out of my seat and/or still talking when the bell rings. 2. The first thing I should do when the bell rings is my starter. 3. “Starter” questions for the week are to be written on a single piece of paper and turned in on Friday before the “Starter Quiz.” TRUE TRUE TRUE
TUesday 1. Where can you find the appropriate level of conversation for different class activities? 2. How do you get the teacher’s attention when you need help or have a question? 3. What materials should you bring to class each day? Champs Raise your hand Notebook Pencil Colored Pencils
WEDNEsday 1.Is your attention in class necessary for your success? 2. (True or False) When you are off task you interfere with another person’s right to learn. 3. What is the appropriate level of conversation for independent work? YES!!! True NONE!!!
THURSday 1. (True or False) I will learn more in class when I pay attention and allow my teachers to teach. 2. What are starter quizzes based on? 3. When will we take a “Starter Quiz”? TRUE!!! Starters Every Friday