TABE II: Using TABE® Results to Inform Instruction


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Presentation transcript:

TABE II: Using TABE® Results to Inform Instruction Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center George Bailey & Hillary Major

Objectives of the Training: Participants will Become familiar with the terminology and codes used on the TestMate TABE Report. Learn to use the Progress Monitoring Form. Discuss techniques for sharing report information with students. Use the report information to identify appropriate areas of focus within the Virginia GED® Content Standards. Learn to use the Virginia GED Content Standards Curriculum Frameworks to inform instruction.

The Four Reasons for Assessment Placement Identify Individual Goals, Strengths, and Needs Measure Progress Program Evaluation and Accountability

The Locator Helps to select the correct level of test to administer. It gives separate scores for reading, math, and language so that different levels may be administered if appropriate.

The 40%-75% Guideline For a test to be valid, the scores must fall in the 40%-75% range. If an examinee’s scores are lower, you must retest with the lower level. If an examinee’s scores are higher, you must retest with the higher level. Proper use of the Locator Test will reduce the possibility of this occurring.

Explanation of the TestMate TABE Report Scale Score (SS) This is an equal-interval score that is used across all of the TABE tests. The scores range from 0 to 999. This is the most frequently used score when reporting results.

Explanation of the TestMate TABE Report Grade Equivalent Scores (GE) These scores are used to indicate achievement levels in comparison to the typical achievement of a student in grades K-12. The scores range from .0 (Kindergarten) through 12.9 (Grade 12, 9th month) It is not recommended to share these score with learners as they can often be discouraging. They are most useful for teachers to create instructional groups; however, caution should be taken in interpreting these results.

Explanation of the TestMate TABE Report Percentile (NP) This score (or rank) is a convenient score for describing achievement test results. A percentile rank of 65, for example, means that the examinee’s score is higher than the scores of 65% of the examinees in the norming group.

Explanation of the TestMate TABE Report NRS Educational Functioning Levels (NRS) These scores correlate to the NRS Educational Functioning Levels. They are only applied to Reading, Language, and Total Math.

Explanation of the TestMate TABE Report Stanine (NS) This is a standard score related to a scale of nine units. It is an equal-interval scale so it can be used to compare across tests.

Explanation of the TestMate TABE Report Percentage of Objectives Mastered (OM) This is a good indicator of where instruction should focus.

Explanation of the TestMate TABE Report Mastery (MST) These symbols are used to indicate the level of mastery on specific subtopics. + Mastery P Partial Mastery - Non-mastery