GPs are from Mars…are teenagers from Venus?
Why is adolescent health important? In most developed countries adolescents constitute 13-15% of the population 25% of young people have seen their GP in the last 3 months They have distinct health and illness behaviours Adolescent M&M rates show worrying trends in national priority areas Death rates in 15-19 year old now exceed those in 1-4 year olds
Aims of today To recognise the barriers adolescents may face in accessing primary care services To consider issues around communication with adolescents To highlight areas of clinical concern in adolescent health To discuss how practices could be made more teenage friendly
Programme of Events Barriers to access A model consultation (not!) Quiz TEA!!! Setting up a teen friendly service Useful websites Finale
Barriers for teenagers in accessing primary care
Teenage Health Quiz! Prizes Galore!!
Eating Disorders During adolescence average weight gain is 14kg (girls) & 15kg (boys) 40% of girls & 25% of boys start dieting 6 – 12% become vegetarian Obesity overshadows all other chronic illnesses 23% overweight; 6% obese 4% of obese adolescents may have T2DM
Mental Health Young people often experiment with drugs or “delinquent” behaviours Depression can present as Behavioural probs, substance misuse, school phobia, fatigue, somatic symptoms 7-14% of adolescents will self harm 20 – 45% have suicidal thoughts
Sexually Transmitted Disease From 1995 - 2001 chlamydia rates have doubled in girls & trebled in boys Highest rates of STD are among black Caribbean and African young people Current UK recommendations support opportunistic screening for sexually active females
Teenage Pregnancy UK has highest rate in Western Europe Current rates are the same as those in the 1980s! 50% of under 16s and 33% of 16-19 yr olds used no contraception at first intercourse Infant mortality among babies of teenage mums is 60% higher than in older mums
Drugs & Alcohol Alcohol and tobacco are most commonly misused 20% of 12-13yr olds binge drink; 70% of 17yr olds 26% of girls and 21% of boys smoke at 15 Half of 16yr olds have tried cannabis 5% use inhalants (glue/paint/petrol)
And the winner is….
A Local Teenage Health Clinic Interview With Dilys Bruce - Practice Nurse at Shipley Health Centre Background own interests and experience Aims and Objectives address young peoples health needs and agendas a service to the “hard to reach” advice and information emergency contraception
Gathering information Resources (funding –HAZ, surestart, PCT) Advertising Lead in time Word of mouth! Audit!!!!
Present Future Drop in service 80% sexual health related 4-5 prescriptions of emergency contraception/wk Small group work on request Mix of health professionals Similar clinics set up elsewhere Future Better links with other services Partnership with other agencies Saltaire School
Teenage websites Majority are American based and concentrate on Psycho-sexual health problems UK based websites were found with use of search engines, and links from various pages
The End