Angle, Distance, Traverse, and Leveling Errors
Angle Errors Reading errors – repetition and direction Pointing errors – lining up the crosshairs Combined reading and pointing errors Target centering errors Instrument centering errors Leveling error (alignment of vertical axis)
Reading and Pointing Reading - repetition Reading - direction Pointing Reading and pointing – total station (DIN)
Target Centering For two targets at D1 and D2 distance away: NOTE – RESULT IS IN RADIANS!
Instrument Centering Given a backsight distance D1, a foresight distance D2, and a distance D3 between targets: NOTE – RESULT IS ALSO IN RADIANS! For leveling error, see textbook pp. 108-110.
Combined Angular Errors Note: Some values are in arc-seconds and some in radians. They must be converted to a consistent unit. Also, leveling error is not considered.
Interior Angles of a Polygon Error propagation is error of a sum. With all interior angles measured once, there is one (1) degree of freedom. If angles are measured multiple times, they are correlated (in practical cases). Use t statistic for testing closure.
EDM Errors Given instrument specifications where a is the constant portion, and b is the parts per million value …
Error Propagation in a Traverse Error propagation for any type of horizontal network (including traverse) can be conveniently and properly determined through a full least squares analysis. Therefore, we will not cover traverse as a special case.
Fuzzy Traverse
Errors in Differential Leveling Systematic Collimation Earth curvature and refraction Both can be avoided by balancing BS & FS Random Reading (usually given in ft/ft or mm/m) Instrument leveling Rod leveling In practical cases, random error is relative, based on distance or number of setups
Trigonometric Leveling
Propagation of Random Error
Estimated Error in a Measured Zenith Angle
Zenith Angle Error With Total Station