Expression of Interest for future flagship projects in Accelerators P2IO International Scientific Council – 24 Nov. 2017
On the accelerator research area, 3 EOI expressed EOI on Accelerators On the accelerator research area, 3 EOI expressed « A laser-plasma accelerator for P2IO » - ALP LAL, IRFU, LLR+ potentially other P2IO laboratories « e-IPHI : extension of IPHI accelerator for a prototype of a compact thermal neutron source» IRFU + potentially other P2IO laboratories « PERLE : a multi-turn, high intensity Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) demonstrator » LAL, IPNO + potentially other P2IO laboratories
Laser-plasma acceleration Question: could laser-plasma acceleration produce high quality beams for high energy physics ? Laser – plasma acceleration : one of the most promising development for particle acceleration for some applications Excellent local context and environment: 3 P2IO groups are working in this domain, and more in the paris-saclay perimeter, and 3 projects/installations: * Equipex CILEX: Apollon laser (10 PW) and long focal length area * ESCULAP R&D program in the valley * European project EUPRAXIA.
Laser-plasma acceleration Main goals: Enhance the collaboration between the 3 groups to develop all required skills to achieve experiments on laser-plasma acceleration Develop mass simulations tools required for simulation of laser plasma acceleration, based on upcoming exascale computing capabilities Moyen: étudier et de réaliser, une installation plasma auprès du laser APOLLON de CILEX, orientée vers la thématique de l'accélération laser- plasma, avec toute l'instrumentation associée du plasma et du faisceau d’électrons. How ? Study and develop a dedicated laser-plasma acceleration experimental facility close to the Apolon laser, equipped with all plasma and electron beam instrumentation
E-IPHI : towards a compact neutron source e-IPHI : extension of the IPHI accelerator in order to build a demonstrator of a compact source for thermal neutrons General context of research reactor being closed in EU : need for alternative solution such as compact neutron source (CANS) based on accelerators. Roadmap: Feasibility (proton on Be target) studied and performed on IPHI. Final objective: SONATE project (p of 20 to 30 MeV, peak current of 100 mA, pulsed 6%), neutrons lines Goal : achieve the e-IPHI phase: extension of the actual IPHI bunker, additional beam line length, additional beam instruments, add neutron measurement and characterization capabilities, perform tests and experiments.
PERLE: a unique demonstartor of ERL capabilities New accelerator concept: Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) D. Bilderback Deceleration of a bunch of particle in a cavity give the required energy to accelerate another bunch in the same cavity, at the same time, but with a 180° dephasing. Very compact scheme, reduced cost (RF sources at lower power) and compatible with very high currents Demonstrators worldwide are being constructed démonstrateurs (CBETA @ Cornell; BerlinPro) based on this concept, but with limited ambition (single turn, P~virtual ~1 MW) ERLs are desirable because they provide (nearly) linac quality/brightness beam at (nearly) storage ring beam powers: Pbeam>>PRF beam quality source limited: ebeam < ering equilibrium high power beam with reduced RF drive cost savings! radiation control: beam is dumped at low energy can mitigate intractable (i.e. expensive) environmental/safety concerns
PERLE: a unique demonstartor of ERL capabilities Projet PERLE @ Orsay A demonstrator of an electron ERL 400 MeV, 15 mA (Pvirtuel ~10 MW) Include 3 recirculating arc 2 superconducting linacs The unique ERL project cumulating high cirrent, multi-turn A collaboration is being set with CERN, JLAB, Daresbury, Novosibirsk, University of Liverpool… Evolution of ERL performance can be characterized by increases in full-energy beam power multiplication factor dynamic range Efull/Edump Present state of art (for “true” ERLs – those with multiplication factor >1): Pbeam ~ 1.25 MW Pbeam/PRF ~ 10 Efull/Edump ~ 10 PERLE calls a factor of 10 increase in each of these, and is thus a natural step towards LHeC (100x and beyond…)