How to be creative Dr Bel Youngson RCOT Conference 12 June 2018 @OTBelY
Aim: Engaging with and developing your creativity Session plan: What is creativity Exercise How to be creative Attentive looking Planning a project Making connections Ideas for exploration and design @OTBelY
What is creativity? “Creativity is the innate capacity to think and act in original ways, to be inventive, to be imaginative and to find new and original solutions to needs, problems and forms of expression. It can be used in all activities. Its processes and outcomes are meaningful to its user and generate positive feelings.” (Schmid 2005 p29)
Can you do it using 3 lines or fewer? Nine dot exercise Join the 9 dots , using 4 straight lines only. Your pen must not leave the page and you may not repeat any line. Can you do it using 3 lines or fewer? (Whitmore 2017, p128) @OTBelY
Some nine dot solutions (Whitmore 2017, p265) @OTBelY
What does this tell us about creativity ? Self limiting assumptions restrict creative solutions (“It can’t be done......”) What if.........? “When you are sure that you have no more ideas, just come up with one more” Oxford dictionary (2016) (Whitmore 2017, p126) @OTBelY
“Creative hunting and gathering” End-loaded or front-loaded approaches How to be creative “Creative hunting and gathering” End-loaded or front-loaded approaches The journey – manageable stages Reflective practice Sketch/note book (Thomas 2011, p11) (Triston and Lombard 2011) @OTBelY
Record/draw/annotate what’s around you Look up Look down Attentive looking Don’t hurry Observe the details Record/draw/annotate what’s around you Look up Look down Look for new things What interests you? What’s missing? (Triston and Lombard, 2011) @OTBelY
“The wonder of occupational therapy” Exhibition hall Planning a project “The wonder of occupational therapy” Exhibition hall Creative hunting & gathering (Thomas 2011) Possibilities, inspiration Attentive looking (Triston & Lombard 2011) Photos Leaflets @OTBelY
t Making connections What goes where? How to fit it together? Themes Words Dominant ideas Think Investigate Play @OTBelY
Ideas for exploration and design How ‘green’ is your occupational therapy? Maps Cards The occupational therapy book of wonder @OTBelY
Sharing and reflection Experience of creativity Usefulness for practice? Next steps? @OTBelY
References Thomas B (2011) Creative Expression Activities for Teens: Exploring Identity through Art, Craft and Journaling. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Triston J and Lombard R (2011) How to be creative in textile art. London: Batsford Schmid T (2005) A theory of creativity: an innate capacity in T Schmid (Ed) Promoting Health Through Creativity. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd, pp27-53 Whitmore J (2017) Coaching for performance (5th ed). London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing @OTBelY
Websites and further reading @OTBelY