1 Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited (UCSCU) WORKSHOP PRESENTATION ON CO-OPERATIVES AND TRANSPORT IN UGANDA 22 nd – 24 th November 2011 At the City Royal Hotel – Kampala
2 UCSCU Location and Contacts Plot 239 Maganjo, 10 kms alongo Bombo Road P.O. Box 6203 Kampala Tel:
3 INTRODUCTION Uganda Cooperatives Savings and Credit Union Limited (UCSCU) is the national apex organisation for Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in Uganda. It was registered in 1972 under the Uganda Cooperative Societies Act of 1970 with Reg No UCSCU is affiliated to UCA and other partners organisations like AMFIU, WOCCU etc. UCSCU has a board comprised of leaders from member SACCOs.
4 UCSCUs Vision: To be a Sustainable Institution for All SACCOs in Uganda
5 UCSCUs Mission: To Develop and Offer Quality Services to SACCOs in Uganda for their Growth and Profitability.
6 Our Purpose is: To foster the organization and development of SACCOs, the formation and strengthening, so as to lead the technical process of the fulfilment of access to affordable, secure and reliable financial services.
7 Our objectives: To organize and develop SACCOs To promote, educate, advocate and develop sound methods and procedures. Educate communities on savings, enterprise selection and investment. Advocate for good legislation on SACCOs Provide a link with other bodies with a similar objectives eg WOCCU, CCA etc Engage in research and development.
Organizational structure and How we work UCSCU has a board of 5 members A supervisory committee of 3 members A management team headed by the CEO 15 Regional offices across the country 70 Financial Extension Workers (FEWs) 8
9 Our Services to SACCOs Technical Assistance Supporting SACCO formation Training Advocacy Marketing Information management Representation
Other partners Microfinance Support Centre (MSC) Post Bank Uganda (PBU) Local Governments (Particularly DCOs) Uganda Co-operative College - Kigumba National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) Uganda Co-operative Alliance 10
OUR REGIONAL OFFICES No.RegionLocation 01CentralKawempe/Maganjo 02Luwero 03Victoria BasinMasaka 04AnkoleMbarara 05KigeziKabale 06Mid WesternKabarole 07BunyoroMasindi Town 08NorthernGulu Town 09LangoLira Town 10West NileArua Town 11
Contn. No.RegionLocation 11BusogaIganga Town 12TororoTororo Town 13EasternMbale Town 14TesoSoroti Town 15KaramojaMoroto Town 12
13 Why SACCOs? They are community formed Community funded – mobilize people & local resources (savings) Community Owned (Member shares) Community used (savings, loans etc) Community controlled (communities determine themselves & mobilize, use, & control their resources. All above are important in fighting poverty
14 PERFORMANCE OF SACCOs AS AT 31 ST DECEMBER 2010 JULY 2008DEC 2010Increase No. of SACCOs 1,5132, Membership644,3161,053,954409,638 Share Capital22 Bn50 Bn28 Bn Savings55 Bn100Bn45 Bn Loan Portfolio 65 Bn145 Bn80 Bn
Does your Coop provide transport services ? No UCSCU does not provide transport service 15
What are your cooperative transport needs ? The cooperative transport needs are in areas of: - Providing services to the SACCOs in rural areas. - Supporting the SACCOs have convenient transport means of doing their work. - Advocate for better access to financial services by providing easy and cheaper transport services 16
What are your aims for transport provision ? The aim for transport provision will be integrated in technical services support to the support eg. product development 17
How would you like to improve your transport services? Support SACCOs in developing products related to improving transport service eg boda boda, bicycle loans, asset loans (transport vehicles) etc Advocate where necessary in areas of improving access to rural financial services by improving the transport services. Explore the SACCO matatu transport 18
19 Thank You for listening