European Forum for Geostatistics The EFGS GEOSTAT project – To build a system of small area statistics to serve as a common foundation for Geostatistics in Europe. How? EFGS Geostat ESSnet Project meeting Luxembourg 10th – 11th of March 2011
EU population on km grids
The EFGS Project EFGS1: User needs EFGS2: Data for Geostatistics (Geostat Essnet projects 1aWP1, ) EFGS2: Data for Geostatistics (Geostat Essnet projects 1aWP2, 1bWP1) EFGS3: Infrastructure for Geostatistics (Geostat Essnet projects 1aWP3, 1bWP2) EFGS4: Website for the EFGS project (Geostat Essnet projects 1aWP3, 1bWP3) EFGS5: Dissemination efforts (Geostat Essnet projects 1aWP4, 1bWP4) EFGS6: Case Studies (Geostat Essnet projects 1bWP????)
EFGS WP1: User Needs Vision / Concept (for Design) Synthesis (design) according to the Inductive method Specifications / Drawings (for Production) Production (re-production) according to specifications Manuals (for Use) Instructions for use (re-use) according to manuals Survey (for Evaluation) Analysis according to the Deductive method
EFGS WP2: Geostatistics The Bottom-up approach The production of bottom-up datasets The 2004 dataset. Can we re-construct it? The harmonisation of bottom-up datasets/methods Top-down approach The production of top-down datasets The harmonisation of top-down datasets/methods Hybrid approach The integration of top-down and bottom-up datasets The 2004 hybrid dataset. Can we re-construct it? Methods to integrate top-down with bottom-up datasets
EFGS WP3: Data Infrastructure The Webbsite (real infrastructure) Hierarchial 3 Tier Structure The Portal to data (real infrastructure) Link from EFGS website to an external portal? Surveys for feedback Webb Statistical services (virtual infrastructure) Webb Map Service Webb Table Service Webb Diagram Service
EFGS WP4: The EFGS website The website is undeer construction Tier 1: General information (Contactpoint) EFGS Members National Contacts Reference from meetings Tier 2: Professional discourse (Forum) Modelling (GIISS) Spatial analysis (methods) Reference information (Literature) Words and acronyms Tier 3: Portal to information (Data) Concepts for a portal for access to Links to websites Statistics (datasets) Features (maps) Reference Litterature Keywords and acronyms
EFGS WP5: Dissemination Build and sustain the EFGS Website Organise Yearly EFGS Conferences 2010 Tallinn 2011 Lisbon Encourage National Taskforces for Geostatistics Initiate a Global Taskforce for Geostatistics A bottom-up initiative A top-down initiative A hybrid initiative Cooperate with the INSPIRE project The INSPIRE Drafting team
EFGS WP6: Datasets & Case Studies National taskforces: Focus on lower scale intervals: Scaleinterval 1: Local datasets & casestudies Scaleinterval 2: Comunal datasets & casestudies Scaleinterval 3: Regional datasets & casestudies EFGS and Geostat taskforces: Focus on higher scale intervals: Scaleinterval 4: National datasets & casestudies National Census data Scaleinterval 5: European datasets & casestudies A GMES ”Landscan” Project for Europe? Scaleinterval 6: Global datasets & casestudies The US SEDAC dataset The US Landscan Project
Ambitions To create and develop a shared vision! To develop the annexes into a useful tool! (a GIISS) To support the Ecological approach To support the Three scale idea To put the Dataset and Realia in Focus! Continue iterations to improve the ”Bottom-up” dataset Continue iterations to improve the ”Top-down” dataset Continue iterations to improve the ”Hybrid” dataset To use the iterative method! (build Darwin Machines) All WP’s and tasks are parts in one overriding process(method) Drafts for all deliverables asp! Critical appraisals!! To stress more cooperation, better leadership! The common good first, the national interest sechond! Clear division of responsibilities More active, less passive consortium members! More passion!
Thank You! Lars Henrik Backer Executive Director European Forum for Geostatistics Valhallavägen 145 11531 Stockholm Sweden Tel : ++46 /6645215 Mobile : ++46 / (0)707543111 E-mail :