Information on apprenticeship training
Turku apprenticeship office Turku city unit 10 staff members Operating environment: Turku commuting area In 2016, ca 2000 apprenticeships ca 1000 employers ca 140 different qualifications 1/3 of recruiting contracts 2.1.2019
WHAT IS APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING? Learning and vocational skills development in the workplace Goal: obtaining qualification on-the-job learning with the help of a workplace instructor and the work community In the workplace 80 % and in an educational institution 20 % Form of education for youth and adults Apprenticeship training also possibility for entrepreneur develop your business develop your professional skills 2.1.2019
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Apprenticeship is a fixed-term employment and training contract The period of the contract varies depending on the education and the student’s background 6-month trial period Apprenticeship contract can be made for an existing contract of employment (permanent) a new contract (new employee) Collective agreement is always observed Wages according to collective agreement, working hours, holidays Prerequisite a minimum of 25 hours per week 2.1.2019
WHAT QUALIFICATIONS? Vocational (upper secondary) qualifications 2-3 years competence to enter employment in the field Further vocational qualifications 1-2 years vocational skills required of skilled workers in the field. Specialist vocational qualifications 1-2 years command of the most demanding tasks in the field and supervisory duties 2.1.2019
THE STUDENT GETS… Certificate as proof of professional skills Free education and training Wages according to collective labour agreement Tax-free social benefits to compensate the loss of earnings during school days Possibility to apply for an on-the-job learning period in Europe 2.1.2019
THE STUDENT GETS… Daily allowance, 15 €/school day Family allowance, 17 €/school day, when you are a guardian of children under the age of 18 Travel allowance, when the commute to the educational institution is more than 10 km, and one round-trip commute per week when the commute is over 50 km Accommodation allowance, 8 €/day outside place of domicile 2.1.2019
THE EMPLOYER GETS… An employee who has been trained to the workplace in question A motivated future professional Training compensation paid by the apprenticeship office for the duration of the education and training: Vocational qualification 260€/month Further vocational qualification 120€/month (the compensation varies between apprenticeship offices) Pay subsidy when an unemployed person is accepted into apprenticeship training (30 % of wage costs, however, those who are temporarily laid off do not receive that benefit). The subsidy, its length and the amount is decided by the Employment office. 2.1.2019
HOW TO PROCEED? Find out... What apprenticeship means What the education and training will be like When and where the theoretical studies take place Be well prepared for job hunting Write a CV or a short pitch about yourself 2.1.2019
...HOW TO PROCEED? After you have found a workplace, contact your local apprenticeship office and make an appointment for signing the contract. When the contract is made, the parties present include: employer, student, workplace instructor and supervisor. The apprenticeship office will find you a place in an educational institution Work and study begin at the agreed time 2.1.2019
ORDINARY JOB HUNTING? Selling your future skills Marketing the benefits of apprenticeship Motivation and proving your commitment Your own activity is essential First impression is emphasized 2.1.2019
Information and job hunting advice online… labour market information in Finland Proper region and other employment sites 2.1.2019
APPRENTICESHIP OFFICES IN FINLAND PROPER Turku Apprenticeship Office, Yliopistonkatu 31, 4. krs, Turku 02 263 34 900, Raisio Apprenticeship Office, Eeronkuja 3, Raisio 02 437 7607, Salo Region Apprenticeship Center, Hyvoninkatu 1, Salo 02 77041, Forssa Apprenticeship Office, oppisopimustoimisto Saksankatu 27, Forssa 040 7797562, Loimaa Apprenticeship Office, Hämeentie 238, Loimaa 044 090 1310 Vakka-Suomi Apprenticeship Office, Viikaistenkatu 1, Uusikaupunki 050 376 1063, Turku Adult Education Centre, apprenticeship services, Kärsämäentie 11, Turku 0207 129 460, Axxell Apprenticeship Office, Vapparvägen 4, Pargas, 0290 01 7782, 2.1.2019