Building Accessibility into your Online Course Presented by: Web & Instructional Technology Ben Zastrocky Manisha Pinge Alex McDaniel
What’s the Big Deal? Lawsuits? Money? Public Perception? Discrimination? Availability, not Liability
The Law Letter of the law – Section 508 Spirit of the law Applies to “Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use… “ “Comparable Access” Proactive, not reactive Spirit of the law Proactive development benefits everyone Source: Section 508 (nd). Retrieved April 4, 2008, from
Shhhh… Please stand up if you would like a candy bar.
Working with Faculty Executive Support Fear What are the issues? Awareness Executive Support Fear
Principles for Success Collaboration not Mandates Communication Alternative Options Pick the Low-Hanging Fruit
Low Hanging Fruit Use proper headings Use emphasis mechanisms sparingly Provide sufficient contrast Include an “appropriate” alt (alternative) text for images Links should make sense out of context Avoid inappropriate animated images Identify table column and row headers
Examples of Accessible Media The Fun Stuff: Examples of Accessible Media
Metro State’s Approach ADA Compliance Task Force Procurement Guidelines Outsourcing Benchmarking & Training Phased Approach Budget Making it Everyone’s Responsibility
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