Ethan Evans MASL Fall PD Day 2018 MASL - The Podcast Ethan Evans MASL Fall PD Day 2018
How Students Imagine Me When I Talk About How Much I Love Podcasts
How Students Imagine Me When I Talk About How Much I Love Podcasts
My Favorite Podcasts
How You Can Introduce Anchor Into Your Library School news (sports rundowns, announcements, etc.) In-depth stories Share creative writing Book reviews and discussions with or between students Absolutely anything your kids can come up with (obviously assuming it’s appropriate to post on a school-affiliated podcast)
Ways We’ve Used Anchor This Year Interviews with students about Gateway nominees Book reviews Poetry readings Student stories A show in the style of “This American Life” showcasing stories in our school
My First Year as a Librarian
Main Podcast Outlets Google Play Itunes
What You Needed in the Past to Make a Decent Podcast A Microphone An RSS Feed? A Website or Social Media of some kind Some sort of audio editing software Supreme technical knowledge
What You Need Now *Glorious lights shining down from the heavens* *A chorus sings songs of thanksgiving*
Creating a Podcast in Anchor Record audio in one of three ways Record a segment on your phone in the app. Use an outside form of recording software to save a recording using some sort of recording device. (Examples include using Garageband, Audacity, etc. as your software and using a dynamic or condenser mic or even just recording with your phone in voice memos) Opening Anchor on your laptop, hitting the record button, and using your computer microphone. Record as many segments as you want. When you’ve recorded all the content you want to put together, save as an EPISODE. If you want your work published to outlets like Itunes, Google Play Store, Pocketcast, etc., then you can create a podcast which will require a bit more information and will take at least a few hours to be approved.
Creating a Podcast in Anchor Once you’ve set up your podcast, every episode you publish on Anchor will then be pushed out to different outlets through your podcast page!
Show Format Storytelling Interview
Show Format Game Format
Examples Student Stories Book Club Library Interviews Psalm Bayley S2E1 Library Interviews
Good websites for extra A/V things - Music - Music - Music - Sound Effects (read licensing info) CAD U37 USB Mic Blue Yeti Microphone Audiotechnica ATR-2100 Behringer Mixer Mevo Livestream Device
Here’s a link to this presentation! Networking Ethan Email: or Twitter: @LibrarianEvans Facebook: Ethan Evans (also “Lathrop High School Library” page) Instagram: @lhsmuleslibrary Podcast: LHS Mules Library Show (Anchor, Itunes, GooglePlay, Over Cast, Pocket Casts, and more!) Here’s a link to this presentation!