Blinkers ++ Team 5
Our Project Next generation communication system for vehicles Simple, real-time visual communication Multi-touch input Driver’s gestures produce an output on LEDs around the perimeter of a car Color-coded messages Tri-color LEDs produce blue, green, yellow, orange, and red outputs
Algorithm Read inputs as 0’s and 1’s Number of fingers = number of connected 1’s Direction of fingers based on average coordinates of fingers
Overall Software Organization
PSoC Main Loop Initialize CapSense button driver and I2C When dsPIC requests data, scan array of buttons When all buttons have been scanned, send via I2C to dsPIC
dsPIC Main Loop Initialize I2C, Timer, I2C slave addresses When TIM flag is set, read array of buttons When finger is detected, calculate number and position of fingers Transmit data to PIC18
PIC18 Main Loop Initialize UART, I2C, and Timer When new data is received, coordinate LED drivers over I2C LED drivers will output corresponding pattern