LAMAS Working Group 29 June-1 July 2016


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Presentation transcript:

LAMAS Working Group 29 June-1 July 2016 Agenda Item 6.1 Ad-hoc module 2018 Task force report Eurostat

Pre-testing 1st (big) round: 2nd (small) round: Results: Hungary, (Iceland), the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia Using model questionnaire after 2nd task force meeting testing 16 variables 3 cognitive tests and 4 field tests 2nd (small) round: Germany tested in a cognitive test a draft model questionnaire after the 3rd meeting of the task force. Results: In general module is feasible with 1st round showing many points for improvement and some quite cognitively demanding variables. Simplifications mainly regarding CATI necessary. 2nd round shows that many improvements could be made. Translation of model questionnaire remains challenge (cannot be expected to be possible literally in every language). Eurostat

Variable selection old no. Variable name Main action new no. 1 CARERES Care responsibilities 1 CARERES Keep improve some wording 2 CHCARLIM Replace by CHCAREFF 4 3 CHCARUSE Keep CHCAROBS Keep deal with high share of do not need/want 5 DECARLIM Drop   Flexible work arrangements 6 WORKARR1 Replace by POSSTEND / POSORGWT 5+6 7 WORKARR2 8 WORKARR3 9 WORKOBS Keep simplify, reduce categories 10 RECONCILE Career breaks 11 STOPWORK Keep simplify, tailor to target populations 12 STOPLENG Keep collect less detailed information 13 PARLEAV Keep evtl. improve information collected 14 STOPIMP 15 REDWORK 16 DEREDSTP Keep focus on work interruptions Eurostat

CARERES Worked out well Changes to cover alternating forms of care for children outside the household  no minimum hour threshold but asking for occasional and regular care. Asking for partner's instead of spouse's children. Q2_careres [And] Outside your household, do you or partner have children younger than 15 years you take care of? Yes , regularly (2) Yes, occasionally (3) No Q3_careres Do you take care of relatives or children of yours from the age of 15 who are ill or disabled or elderly relatives? They may live in- or outside your household. Eurostat

CHCARUSE Variable works Hour threshold dropped to cover bigger variety in care and work schedules. E.g. to cover alternating care every second week Q1_chcaruse Do you normally use childcare services like kindergardens, crèches, after school centers or professional childminders? Eurostat

CHCAROBS Variable most likely underestimates importance of childcare service infrastructure Should also cover demand side and eventually extend target population Pre-test Destatis: can be confusing for parents with very young children or children at school age EoV: 23/34  proposed version (below), 7 the original (only supply side), 2 with large target population Q1_chcarobs What is the main reason that you do not use childcare services (for some of your children)? … (5) No need or interest  Q2_chcarobs Why is that the case? arranged with partner (2) arranged with grandparents or others, (3) used services are sufficient, (4) children can take care for themselves (5) other reasons Eurostat

CHCAREFF To replace hypothetical CHCARLIM and DECARLIM Measures concrete behaviour, broader spectrum of adaptions of employment (analysis together with LEAVREAS/SEEKREAS) and a broader target population Pre-test in D: variable works with dropping introductory question and focus on current employment situation. Q1_chcareff Have your care responsibilities for your children had any effect on your current employment? Q2_chcareff What is the most important effect? Changed something to earn more money, (2) Reduced working hours, (3) Took on less demanding tasks in job(s), (4) Changed job or employer to facilitate reconciliation, (5) Being on parental or another family leave, (6) Other change Q1_chcareff(new) Have your care responsibilities an effect on your current employment? Please choose the most important one. (1) Changed something to earn more money, (2) Reduced working hours, (3) Took on less demanding tasks in job(s), (4) Changed job or employer to facilitate reconciliation, (5) Being on parental or another family leave, (6) Other effect, (7) No effect  LAMAS opinion on proposal of asking one question. Alternative with two questions for countries who consider that being better. Eurostat

POSSTEND/POSORGWT Replace WORKARR1 by variables already used in the AHM2010 Model questions were developed using British and Irish questionnaire from 2010 Pretest Destatis: respondents normally do not differentiate between days/hours. Not all forms likewise included by respondents WORKARR2 and 3 were dropped because of to low incidence Q1_posstend Is it possible for you to vary the start or end of your working day for care reasons? Q1_posorgwt Is it possible for you to arrange your working time to take at least one full day off for care reasons without using your annual leave? generally possible (2) rarely possible (3) not possible (4) don't know Eurostat

WORKOBS Unclear pre-test results if splitting variable in two questions is a good approach pro: easier for use in CATI, avoid overreporting contra: too abstract, respondents do not understand what we want to know, high cognitive burden Q1_workobs Is there something about your main job that makes it especially difficult to reconcile work and your care responsibilities? Q2_workobs What is it? If there are several aspects please indicate the main one. long working hours, (2) unpredictable or inflexible working hours, (3) long commute, (4) demanding or exhausting job, (5) lack of support from employer or colleagues, (6) another difficulty. Q1_workobs Is there something about your main job that makes it especially difficult to reconcile work and your care responsibilities? Please indicate the main difficulty. long working hours, (2) unpredictable or inflexible working hours, (3) long commute, (4) demanding or exhausting job, (5) lack of support from employer or colleagues, (6) another difficulty, (7) no special difficulty.  LAMAS opinion on proposal of asking one question. Alternative with two questions for countries who consider that being better. Eurostat

STOPWORK Pre-tests showed less problems in recalling but more in some wording and in the attempt to cover a broad and diverse target population Need to clarify what "stop working" means. Specify target population with tailored question wording. Clarify change of perspective form current to past situation. "One month" minimum threshold is finally kept Q1a_stopwork Looking back, did you not work for at least one month to take care of your children? This can mean that you had maternity, parental leave, an interruption agreed with your employer, quit your job, shut down your business or did not start working right after you completed your education. Q1b_stopwork Did you never work mainly because you took care of your children? Yes (2) No (3) Never had children  LAMAS opinion on simplified approach and one-month threshold Eurostat

STOPLENG Cognitively very demanding by asking for exact years and months but absolutely necessary to assess impact of career breaks Ask for interruption in broad brackets Q1_stopleng Taking together all those times when you did not work, how long was that approximately? Please include maternity[/paternity] and parental leave. Up to 6 months More than 6 months up to 1 year More than 1 year up to 2 years More than 2 years up to 3 years More than 3 years up to 5 years More than 5 years Eurostat

PARLEAV Change by task force: ask also for maternity/paternity; important to collect in some countries, might help to differentiate Unproblematic question in first round pre-tests, in Destatis pre-test asking for maternity/paternity confusing because compulsory/not existing Q1_parleav Was a part of that time when you did not work for childcare reasons taken as parental leave? (1) Yes, in combination with maternity/paternity (2) Yes, only parental leave, (3) No, only maternity/paternity, (4) None of both Proposed changes (compared to LAMAS document): Leave it to countries to add information on maternity/paternity without asking Question sequence STOPWORK > PARLEAV > STOPLENG to facilitate recall of complete work break Eurostat

DEREDSTP Very low incidence in field tests but variable of probably growing importance Using a comparable approach to STOPWORK and asking separately for work interruptions and reductions Q1_deredstp Looking back again: Did you not work for at least one month to take care of ill, disabled or elderly relatives from the age of 15? This can mean that you had a special leave, an interruption agreed with your employer, quit your job, shut down your business. (1) Yes (2) No (3) Never had to take care of dependent relatives Q2_deredstp Did you reduce your working time for at least one month to take care of ill, disabled or elderly relatives from the age of 15? (1) Yes (2) No Eurostat

Proposal for repeated AHM old no. Variable name Comments A) Current care situation 1 CARERES 2 CHCARUSE 3 CHCAROBS 4 CHCAREFF 5 WORKOBS 6 RECONCIL B) Care related employment history 7 NUMCHILD Number of children who have been brought up 8 STOPWORK 9 PARLEAV 10 STOPLENG 11 DEREDSTP EoV: 24/34 support the proposed dropping of variables for the repeated module Eurostat

LAMAS is invited to: Take note of the pre-test results on the model questionnaire of the first and second test round Give their opinion on the selected variables for the ad-hoc module 2018 Comment on the variable definitions and proposed model questions (especially CHCAREFF, WORKOBS, PARLEAV) Give their opinion on the selected variables for the repeated module on reconciliation