EDU 300 Assessment for Learning Welcome! EDU 300 Assessment for Learning Please complete an information sheet. Before showing the pictures on the next three slides, have students draw what they think of when they hear the word assessment.
Course Introduction What are your experiences with assessment? How does M think about assessment? Who is the course instructor? What are our class norms? What’s on the EDU 300 syllabus? Where will class content and assignments be posted? The content agenda items for each class are written in the form of questions in keeping with the Teacher Education program’s department lesson plan format. By the end of class you should be able to answer these questions.
Assessment is about this… not that. Assessment should be about students and about being responsive to students, not about a test.
Assessment is about this… not that. Assessment should be about learning, not about competition or being the one who gets the gold star.
Assessment is about this… not that. Assessment is about teachers being empowered, not chained by standardization.
Jennifer Morrison 704.996.0933 cell jennifer.morrison McClurg 202 artofeducating.wordpress. com Have students introduce themselves. Introduce yourself in an interesting manner. Give students your contact information and preferred method(s) of contact. Be sure to share your office hours and availability. Give out copies of syllabus and have students fill in the instructor/class information at the top.
Class Norms Start/End on time. Turn phones off or to vibrate. Use computers for the purposes of the class. Keep conversations focused. Uphold Dispositions for Teaching. Come to class prepared with readings, book(s), and computer.
Newberry College Teacher Education Program Dispositions for Teaching Briefly discuss the Dispositions… Fairness Judgment Sense of Community Professional Commitment Integrity Reflection Newberry College Teacher Education Program Dispositions for Teaching
Review of EDU 300 Syllabus Required materials Course requirements Grading Expectations Policies Course outline Use a learning strategy to go over the syllabus thoroughly. Be sure to answer all questions.
What is ? Twitter… Social networking and micro-blogging service Users broadcast and receive Updates (or tweets) are 140 characters or less. Have every student set up an account – give advice that username needs to be professional and short. Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to broadcast and receive other users’ updates in 140 characters or less. Updates, or messages, are called tweets.
Create an Assessment Plan What unit, lesson, or topic might you teach in your future class? (1) Describe the class and the unit, lesson, and/or topic. How would you assess students’ learning? (2) Create a plan. Why are you assessing this way? (3) Include your reasoning. Pair students by concentration. For homework, have students create the (summative) assessment they would use to gauge student learning at the end of the unit, lesson, or topic.
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