Harmonisation Working Group Extraordinary HWG Meeting Wednesday, 15th June, 2011 NIAUR Offices / Conference Call
HWG Agenda Introduction and Meeting Workload 10:00 – 10:10 DRs for review and decision 10:10 – 10:55 AOB & Closing 10:55 – 11:00 15th Jun, 2011
Introduction and Meeting Workload Extraordinary Meeting Approval of sundry outstanding changes from ESP in time for inclusion in HBL v2 review at next scheduled HWG Single item agenda Meeting Workload 15th Jun, 2011
DR1075 v1 - Suppression of 106D and 106E after meter removal or installation Change Request A 106D market message will not be sent to the Supplier on completion of a de-energisation job at an interval site if metering has been removed during the job. The Supplier will be sent a 331 market message A 106E market message will not be sent to the Supplier on completion of a re-energisation job at an interval site if metering has been installed during the job. The Supplier will be sent a 331 market message The 106D and 106E will always be sent to the Supplier on completion of a de/re-energisation job at an interval site if metering has not been removed/installed during the job NI-Specific change At today’s Meeting Classification as NI-Specific 15th Jun, 2011
DR1078 v1- Billing of Multiple Reads Change Request Currently, NIE DUoS bill readings on a priority basis with Meter Works/Meter Reader Hand-Held Unit (HHU) taking precedence over all other read Proposal is that when the billing window for a particular MPRN is opened (in line with the meter reading schedule), the first actual reading received will be DUoS billed regardless of type. At today’s Meeting Classification as NI-Specific 15th Jun, 2011
DR1077 v1- NI Enduring Solution - Sundry Updates Change Request (content is in Word document embedded in DR) A set of items mostly relating to NI-only changes in data item descriptions, codes, code descriptions and usage rules Major coded data items impacted (by volume) include: Meter Configuration Codes Meter Works Type Codes Outcome Reason Codes Reject Reason Codes Tariff Configuration Codes Timeslot Code Value Descriptions DUoS Group codes Data item description changes Some 25 items impacted Mostly to make description more generic or remove ROI/NI specifics Schema Change on 114 message with addition of “LongTermVacantIndicatorFlag” At Today’s Meeting Approval to MCR and as MCR 15th Jun, 2011
HWG Meeting AOB 15th Jun, 2011
Next Steps Next HWG meeting 29th June, 2011 (Belfast) Dates for all meetings for 2011 are on the Calendar on the RMDS website 15th Jun, 2011
HWG Meeting Thank You 15th Jun, 2011