Lesson 12 Altercation, Audacity, Evince, Exhort, Expedient, Galvanize, Hue, Hyperbole, Implacable, Incarcerate, Incisive, Lexicon, Ominous, Pertinent, Sanction
Altercation N. a heated argument SYN: quarrel; dispute ANT: agreement; harmony
Audacity N. rude boldness; nerve SYN: insolence; impudence ANT: decorum
Evince V. to demonstrate clearly; to prove SYN: manifest
Exhort V. to urge on with stirring words SYN: encourage
Expedient Adj. practical; providing an immediate advantage (especially when serving one’s self-interest) SYN: effective ANT: feckless
Galvanize V. to startle into sudden activity SYN: stimulate ANT: enervate
Hue N. a particular shade of a given color
Hyperbole N. extreme exaggeration for effect and not meant to be taken literally ANT: understatement
Implacable Adj. unable to be appeased or pacified SYN: inflexible; relentless ANT: pacified; assuaged
Incarcerate V. to put into prison; to confine SYN: imprison; constrain ANT: liberate; free
Incisive Adj. sharp; keen; cutting straight to the heart of the matter SYN: piercing; acute ANT: superficial; dull
Lexicon N. a dictionary; a specialized vocabulary used in a particular field or place SYN: jargon; argot; cant
Ominous Adj. threatening; foreboding evil SYN: sinister ANT: comforting
Pertinent Adj. having to do with the subject at hand; relevant ANT: unrelated; extraneous
Sanction N. permission; support