Industrial (White) Biotechnology in Europe Colja Laane Corporate Science Manager DSM Industrial Biotech section ETP Sustainable Chemistry EU-Russia Symposium on Biotechnology Moscow, 14-15 March 2005
Using nature’s toolset EUnited in Diversity Green Agro-Food Red Health Care White Industrial Health Unmet Needs Economy Sustainability Using nature’s toolset
Industrial (White) Biotechnology Cell factories Biofuels Biomaterials Biochemicals Sugars
The IB Value Chain Bulk Biofuels Sugars Feedstocks Biomaterials Ethanol Sugars Feedstocks Renewable - Fossil Biomaterials Polylactic acid 1,3 propane diol PHAs Biochemicals Food Ingredients Pharmaceuticals Fine Chemicals Bioprocesses Fine
Industrial Biotechnology Cleaner and more (cost) efficient ways of making: Faded jeans Detergents Plastics Vitamins Antibiotics Fuel Biosteel Biobatteries DNA computers Öko-Institute calculation: Reduced environmental foot-print up to 20 – 60 % McKinsey Estimate: Added Value of 11-22 billion € per Year Present Future
IB: three P’s go hand in hand People sustainability Planet Profit
Inst. for Sustainable Industry IB Technology Platform Growing Interest in IB Finland IB Forum Baltic region Inst. for Sustainable Industry UK Bio-Wise Pro-Bio Faraday Belgium IB Technology Platform ERA Net FP7: theme 2 Sweden IB Forum Austria Kplus Netherlands Kluyver Centre B-BASIC ACTS Germany BioProduktion
The IB Value Chain Bulk Biofuels Sugars Feedstocks Biomaterials Ethanol Sugars Feedstocks Renewable - Fossil Biomaterials Polylactic acid 1,3 propane diol PHAs Biochemicals Food Ingredients Pharmaceuticals Fine Chemicals Bioprocesses Strong points Europe Enzymes Biochemicals Fine
Europe has to move…and…
…… to determine its direction Technology Platforms?
New EU instrument: Technology Platform! Tool to: Bring all interested stakeholders together around a promising technology Develop a vision & strategy and translate it into roadmap and action plan Develop R&D agenda and policies Set up demonstration projects Stimulate Public Private Partnerships Additional instrument to become the MOST competitive knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010
TP examples Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Green Biotechnology Sustainable Chemistry Industrial Biotechnology Materials Technology Reaction & Process Design Info:
EU Vision on Industrial Biotechnology (1) Increasing numbers of chemicals and materials will be produced using biotechnology in one or more processing steps Biotechnology will allow increasingly eco-efficient use of renewable resources as raw materials for industry Industrial biotechnology will enable a range of ìndustries to manufacture products in an economically and environmentally sustainable way
EU Vision on Industrial Biotechnology (2) Biomass-derived energy based on biotechnology will deliver an increasing amount of our energy needs Green biotechnology will make a substantial contribution to the efficient production of raw materials European industry will be innovative and competitive, with sustained cooperation and support between the research community, industry, agriculture and society
The IB Value Chain Bulk Biofuels Sugars Feedstocks Biomaterials Bioenergy Bulk Biofuels H2 Ethanol Biomass Sugars Feedstocks Renewable - Fossil B & B Biomaterials Polylactic acid 1,3 propane diol PHAs Bioprocesses Biochemicals Food Ingredients Pharmaceuticals Fine Chemicals Fine
Organisation Section Industrial Biotechnology Steering Committee International Forum Biomass Bioprocesses Bioenergy & Bioproducts Research, Policy, Communication & Education Committees specific for IB
IB Section Stakeholders section Industrial Biotechnology Member States NGOs R&D Institutes IB Section Academia ESAB DGs (Bio)chemical Industry CEFIC EuropaBio Financial community Other Industry Pulp & paper Agriculture Energy
Developing a Strategic Research Agenda and Roadmap (1) Main R&D objectives Strain, biocatalyst & process optimization Novel and/or improved functionalities and products
Research & Technology areas in IB Developing a Strategic Research Agenda and Roadmap (2) Research & Technology areas in IB Novel enzymes and microorganisms – metagenomics Microbial genomics and bioinformatics Metabolic engineering and modeling Performance proteins and nanocomposite materials Biocatalyst function and optimization Biocatalytic process design Innovative fermentation science Innovative down-stream processing Integrated biorefineries
Developing a Strategic Research Agenda and Roadmap (3) Research & Technology areas Biomass B&B Bioenergy Novel enzymes and microorganisms Microbial genomics and bioinformatics Metabolic engineering and modeling Performance proteins and materials Biocatalyst function and optimization Biocatalytic process design Innovative fermentation science Innovative down-stream processing Integrated biorefineries 0, +, ++, +++ Survey, Benchmark, SWOT, Needs, Challenges, Gaps, Focus Programme
Deliverables Section Industrial Biotechnology SSA for IB Granted 3 Workshops March-July 2005 Draft Strategic Research Agenda Mid 2005 Detailed SRA and Road map Sept-Nov 2005 Action Plan End 2005 Multi-stakeholders working document March 2005 Priority and active participation in FP7 End 2006 Supportive regulatory framework and attitude towards IB Improved competitiveness through innovation
EU-Russia collaboration on Industrial Biotechnology Joint projects funded by ERA and FP7 within ETP Sustainable Chemistry: Biomass Bioproducts & Bioprocesses Bioenergy
Industrial Biotechnology is hot! ESAB Workshop 17-18 March Brussels BioVision 11-15 April Lyon Workshops / Sessions 2nd World Congress on IB 20-22 April Orlando EU-JP Industrial Biotech Summit 3-9 September 2005 Tokyo/Yokohama Study trip / partnering