The first Chinese empire The Qin Unify China By: Allyson Miner Class of 2018 Chapter 6 Lesson 2 The first Chinese empire
Social The ruler of the Qin dynasty was Qin Shihuangdi, he was ruler of the throne in 246 B.C. at only the age of 13. Their society was basically ran around the emperor, he had complete control The men were the providers, ever since around the age of 8 they young boys started learning how to hunt and be prepared for war The women were humble and obedient All the people were ranked in a social class that told them what jobs they would have
Political They all followed the emperor's rules and orders There work system was ranked in classes and each had their own assigned duty In the end the total ruling of the emperor failed him and people began to rebel
Interaction between humans and environment The art that chinese people made revolved, one as famous as the great wall They started building roads and canals Since they were considered hunters and gatherers they were considerably well at using weapons
Cultural These artifacts that they created became known as famous pieces They worked on several huge workings of buildings They made their own weapons and wooden chariots, as many as 6,000 by the estimation of archeologist
Economic They had light taxes to help win over the people They exported several of their wooden and porcelain makings for money Also did some agricultural trading of crops
Legacy The empire lasted for a total of 14 years The complete control of the emperor lead to complete corruption between the people New rulers later came after the dynasty failed