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Presentation transcript:

WG: CENTRES OF INNOVATION EXCELLENCE (CoIE) WG Leader: WG: CENTRES OF INNOVATION EXCELLENCE (CoIE) WG Leader: Heinrich Daembkes Report to Summer Camp in Rome 10.06.2010 Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Labeling criteria for ARTEMIS CoIE + Guide for application New CoIEs Content Status report: Achievements open issues Labeling criteria for ARTEMIS CoIE + Guide for application New CoIEs Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Activities and Achievements Status 06/2010 WS in Madrid (10/2009): Several candidates for CoIE identified Several meetings held in Stockholm to get a new CoIE started: Kick off for ProcessIT = candidate, ready for CoIE Labeling criteria for CoIE submitted to Steering Board for approval on 06.07.2010 Application guide to become ARTEMIS CoIE final version available Visibility for CoIEs via ARTEMIS-IA website and official register under preparation New CoIEs under development. Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Open Issues / Activities to be done Status 06/2010 Tool to make visible CoIEs on ARTEMIS-IA website to become functional Benefits to become ARTEMIS CoIE: Involve CoIEs into establishment of new SRA ! This should be done as of immediately Continue support new CoIE candidates - identify potential CoIE candidates and partners - to apply for label - and to get started Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

2. Labeling Criteria for ARTEMIS CoIEs Criteria to be granted “ARTEMIS CoIE” Label* by ARTEMIS-IA Table of content: Definition CoIE Partners Innovation and R&D Relations to other networks and public authorities Must Label Criteria CoIE might do Actions to be undertaken by ARTEMIS-IA for labeling a CoIE Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Definition CoIE Definition CoIE For ARTEMIS, an Innovation Ecosystem will be a group of multi-country, multi-organization, interconnected R&D actors and businesses, including existing Centres of Innovation Excellence that, by efficient planning, acting and cooperation, achieve a significant advantage in innovation success in a specific market. Innovation ecosystems exist mainly to create new, self-sustaining business, which in turn drives employment, social responsiveness, etc. To be successful, innovation ecosystems must comprise a range of actors in a suitable environment and nurture a cooperation culture to work across boundaries by various forms of partnerships. Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Criteria for achieving the ARTEMIS CoIE label Partners An ARTEMIS ecosystem must include partners that are active in the market. A partner could be an institution or an initiative based on a group of individuals or teams, or a local CoE, working closely together, with highly recognized experience and capabilities in their domain CoIE might include as partners: public and private bodies; large companies, SMEs, intermediaries; all levels in the supply chain - knowledge providers, generic technology providers, systems developers, systems integrators, service providers and product companies, and even end-users; academic institutions at all levels; bridging-institutions that help close gaps between actors; other organizations public and private (venture capital firms, shared resources, training organizations The minimum number of partners in a starting condition shall be three, coming from two different countries. A higher number of partners is desirable, but not mandatory for the start. The minimum number of participants from industry shall be two. Information shall be given on how the partners are positioned in the supply chain - knowledge providers, generic technology providers, systems developers, systems integrators, product companies, service providers etc. Information shall be given on which end-users are involved in the CoE; The geographical scope of the CoIE shall be provided; To benefit from the support given by ARTEMIS-IA, the members of the CoIEs should be or become members of ARTEMIS-IA, at latest when they are receiving the first project in the ARTEMIS context. Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Innovation and R&D The actors shall share common interests – potentially from key technology research to a market - that provide a focus both for the participants and for the outside world to recognise the ecosystem. a culture of openness, trust, fairness and willingness to cooperate; a base of world-class knowledge and experience. a stimulating environment that facilitates and encourages, rather than inhibits, interaction, stimulating situations in which “solution ideas meet problem situations”. support development of academic excellence regarding both technology and cooperation The main R&D domain of the ecosystem should fit the ARTEMIS SRA Relations to other networks and public authorities Together they have enough mass to sustain their interactions to be visible and viable, and to attract interest and retain important impact on the market. Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

“Must” Label Criteria A CoIE must have a mission document of the CoIE and some basic rules of interaction. A CoIE must nominate a Chairperson or Speaker, acting as point of contact for the CoIE to the outside world. A CoIE must have an action plan that implements its mission: The action plan describes the main activities driving the Innovation system forward, such as common meetings, workshops, pre-studies/pre-projects, R&D projects, different interest groups (technology, branch etc), events etc involving representatives from all stakeholders e g researchers, developers, producers, users, financers, marketing etc. The action plan must be updated at least once a year. A CoIE builds and maintains relations to other networks (it has an inter-cluster cooperation strategy) and the public authorities A CoIE contributes to enhance the EU competitiveness A CoIE has to demonstrate its activities on a regular base, e.g. publish a yearly activity and progress report that describes, amongst others, the progress made on ARTEMIS label criteria A CoIE should provide networking and matchmaking facilities to encourage frequent interaction and the initiation of cooperative R&D projects; Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

CoIE might do: CoIE’s might also contribute to respect of ecological principles, recognising real concerns about safety, energy usage and sustainability; actively stimulate SME participation in the ARTEMIS innovation ecosystem(s) and enhance their growth and success; explore new business models for trading in the envisaged dynamic innovation environment, including incorporation of open source concepts; stimulate the establishment of open European Tool Platforms that can evolve and interoperate with other tool solutions; standardization in related domains recommend adaptations to European educational systems and assist them to supply and sustain suitably skilled engineers and researchers; stimulate the opening of supply chains, where beneficial, to create a more open innovation environment by means of the ARTEMIS Innovation Ecosystems; Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Actions by ARTEMIS-IA Actions to be undertaken by ARTEMIS-IA for labelling a CoIE Initial assessment of a CoIE by ARTEMIS-IA for labelling (via CoIE Committee or ARTEMIS-IA Steering Board directly). The ARTEMIS label is awarded by the ARTEMIS-IA Steering Board. A three yearly re-assessment of the CoIE ARTEMIS label by the ARTEMIS-IA. The label might be withdrawn if the criteria are no longer fulfilled. The annual reporting of the CoIE is input to this assessment. Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

New CoIEs “Golden reference”: EICOSE European Institute for Complex Safety Critical Systems Engineering First new one, ready for labeling: ProcessIT Europe Automation for Process Industries New CoIEs under preparation: - Embedded Technolgies for intelligent buildings ( E-Diana) - Embedded Systems in Societal Security (to be improved) Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Summary Boundaries for CoIEs established: Labeling criteria will be binding in July 2010 Awareness increasing: Networks of centers of excellence striving for Innovation Excellence becoming recognized in industry Formation of new CoIEs progressing; will improve and speed-up with increasing visibility  Impact on economical progress of European Society Centers of Innovation Excellence, Rome, 10.06.2010 V2 HD

Thank you for your attention End of Presentation 14