Jeffersonian Era and War of 1812
Jefferson Jefferson beat President Adams by 8 electors Tied with Aaron Burr House of Representatives broke tie 12th Amendment
President Jefferson “Simple government” Tried to Shrink government Cut military spending Cut taxes Agrarian Society
Marbury v. Madison Adams filled court seats Not delivered in time Judicial Review
gabriel‘s Rebellion Slave Uprising Plan to seize capitol Demanded liberty (Failed) Led to harsher slave laws
Barbary Wars Ottoman Pirates Americans captured War on Tripoli America Victorious
Louisiana Purchase Napoleon sells us land $15 million for the territory Doubled size of the united states
Louis and Clark Commissioned by Jefferson Explore New Territory Traveled to Pacific Ocean
Trade Embargo Embargoed trade with foreign nation revenge for British Impressments US Economy hurt Creates US manufacturing
Battles with Natives 400,000 settlers moved Westward Tecumseh Actively resisted white settlement Battle of Tippacanoe
Us Military Army of 12,000 Officers were uneducated and drunks Navy 17 ships British had 1000 ships
War of 1812 First Declared War Impressment British Arming Indians
War of 1812 War Hawks War declaration in 1812 British preoccupied with Napoleon
War of 1812 Consisted of US trying to take Canada Canadians chose Britain Brits, Canadians, and Indians vs. USA British Seize Detroit
War of 1812 British sacked Washington DC Capitol Burned and white house US Victory in Lake Erie Peace reached Dec 24, 1814 Treaty of Ghent
Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson News of peace did not reach him yet Americans win battle Fought Jan 8, 1815
Consequences of War No more Federalists American industry growth Free and independent nation
President Monroe Convention of 1818 Set US boarder at 49th Parallel Negotiated co-settlement of Oregon Territory Adam-Onis treaty for Florida Set Western Boundary
Monroe Doctrine European powers should not interfere in Western Hemisphere US wont get involved in European Affairs