Bell Ringer/Warm Up/Revin UP What is Humanism? What traditions are focused on within this theory?
What are these paintings called and who painted them? Annnddddd…. One More! What are these paintings called and who painted them?
What Happening?!?! Brief Discussion: Northern Renaissance The Impact of Technology Discussion Machiavelli: Explaining Primary Documents. Comparing Achievements Diagram HW: Look over notes, quick quiz on the Renaissance Thursday.
The Northern Renaissance Unit 1 World History
Artistry Bruegel – known for creating daily life scenes, moving away from religion. Rubens – combined realistic traditions with the themes of the Italian Renaissance.
Writings of the Northern Ren. Erasmus is known for creating a New Testament and placing it in the vernacular (common language). The Praise of Folly
More Writings Sir Thomas More Shakespeare Wrote Utopia An ideal society where men and women live in harmony. Shakespeare Begins writing in the 1580s, also wrote in vernacular.
The Printing Press 1456, Gutenberg invents the printing press. Created the complete edition of the bible, and it went on to sell 20 million copies. Many learn to read. Expanded intellectualism. And contributed to religious turmoil of the 1500s.
Effects of the Printing Press Imagine a world where you couldn’t read anything. This is tantamount to the invention of texting and email.
Impacts of Technology What does technology do for us? What did it do for people in the Renaissance? Are these impacts similar? How? Are these impacts different? How?