COMUNICATIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY (MACRA) Emily Heather Khamula MALAWI COMUNICATIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY (MACRA) Emily Heather Khamula 1/2/2019 ITU/ICTP Workshop on New Radiocommunications Technologies for ICT in Developing countries Trieste Italy 2004
MA CRA ensures that as far as it is. practicable, there are affordable MA CRA ensures that as far as it is practicable, there are affordable communication services throughout the country required to meet the demand for them. 1/2/2019
Responsibilities Licensing all the communications sector (operators). Defining the technical conditions under which licenses will be issued. Assigning frequencies to stations to ensure that a minimum of harmful interference is created to other stations. Ensuring that correct operating procedures are followed by all radio stations. 1/2/2019
Responsibilities (cont.) Ensuring that correct operating procedures are followed by all radio stations. Arranging for the identification of every radio station. Ensuring that the technical conditions of stations are maintained. Identifying and taking steps to eliminate sources of harmful interference. 1/2/2019
Departments Frequency Management Telecommunications Broadcasting Finance and Administration Legal Postal (not yet established) 1/2/2019
Where I belong within MACRA Broadcasting Responsible for regulation of the broadcasting engineering Somehow I combine the duties of content regulation (not done to a great extent since Broadcasting regulations are not yet established) 1/2/2019
Where I belong (cont.) Frequency Management I do some of the duties in Frequency management. I have been attending frequency management training workshops Technical seminars like this one 1/2/2019
Public Broadcasters (Two) 1. Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (Sound) Composed of two Stations -Radio one (covers 95%) -Radio 2FM(covers almost 80%) 1/2/2019
Public Broadcasters (cont.) 2. Television Malawi (TV) has one station and covers almost 80 % of the country 1/2/2019
Community Broadcasters 3 Private/commercial Broadcasters 1/2/2019
Telecommunications operators One fixed operator (MTL) Two mobile operators (operational) One mobile operator (not yet in operation) 1/2/2019
Projects being carried out Rural Telecommunications Policy National Broadcasting Policy Frequency Management and Monitoring Equipment Procurement 1/2/2019
Thank you for your attention 1/2/2019